英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:53



  A. Health conditions improve with time spentwatching healthy programs.
  B. Comedy videos can cure most people of chronicheart attacks.
  C. Chances of having heart attacks reduce withthose amused daily.
  D. Most patients can't survive once they suffer from a second heart attack.
  A. Laughing is a learned behavior.
  B. Laughing is a good medicine to patients.
  C. Laughing is easier than battling with an illness.
  C. Laughing is something people can do without effort.
  A. A fitness program offered to the general public.
  B. A physical exercise to build up muscles.
  C. A program that makes people keep laughing.
  D. A situation where you have no mood to smile.
  A. You'd better smile or laugh from the bottom of your heart.
  B. You can't fool your body by pretending to be happy.
  C. A smart mind can't tell the difference between a fake one and a real one.
  D. Even a fake one can benefit people physiologically just as well as a real one.

enone 发表于 2016-7-29 09:05:44

  W: We've all heard the saying "Laughter is the bestmedicine." How important is it to our health, Dr.Berk?
  M: This saying has been scientifically proven! Ayear-long study of heart attack victims done at theOakhurst Health Research Institute in Californiafound that of those patients who spent half an hour a day watching comedy videos, 10 percenthad a second heart attack, whereas 30 percent of those who did not watch had a secondattack.
  W: Wow! Laughter is really a good medicine to patients. Can you give us another example?
  M: Sure! Norman Cousins, editor of the Saturday Review, learned this during a battle with anillness. He discovered that his condition improved when he enjoyed himself and watched funnymovies.
  W: You said Norman learned this? Do we have to learn to laugh?
  M: Not necessarily. Since laughing is something people can do sitting down, costs no money,and requires no special exercise equipment or skill, it's the perfect workout for anyone whodoesn't have the time or desire to participate in a regular fitness program.
  W: Oh. Do you have such a program to offer to the general public?
  M: Yes, we do. It's called the Smile Time-Out. You take a deep breath, smile, exhale, andsay "Aaah" while visualizing all your muscles and cells smiling. Then add to that a memory of atime you felt really good and laughed and laughed.
  W: What about the situation in which you aren't in a mood to laugh?
  M: Even when you fake a smile or laugh, you get the same physiological benefits as whenit's the real thing, because your mind is smart, but your body is stupid and can't tell thedifference!
  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  19. What did the year-long study of heart attack victims find?
  解析:从选项可以看出问题与heart attack有关,听到相关话题时注意后面的数据反映的事实:每天看半小时喜剧的心脏病患者中只有10%再次发作,而不看的人中有30%再次发作,因此可以推断,每天都开心的人心脏病发作率降低,即C。A中的healthy programs太笼统,且对话中并未提及健康状况随着看有益于健康的节目的时间增长而改善的信息。
  20. What is Norman's example meant to prove?
  解析:对话中提到Laughter is really a good medicine to patients.之后,举了Norman作为例子,故答案为B.
  21. What is the so-called Smile Time-Out?
  解析:对话先提到fitness program,然后女士问“有没有such a program”,男士说“有,叫做Smile Time-Out”,故选A。
  22. What can we learn about smile or laugh according to Dr. Berk?
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