英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:50



  There are a lot of good cameras available at themoment-most of these are made in Japan but thereare also good (36) ______ models from Germanyand the USA. We have (37) ______ a range ofdifferent models to see which is the best (38) ______ for money. After a number of different testsand interviews with people who are (39) ______ withthe different cameras being (40) ______ , our researchers (41) ______ the Olympic BY modelas the best auto-focus camera available at the moment. It costs $200, although you may wellwant to spend more-(42) ______ as much as another $200-on buying (43) ______ lenses andother equipment. It is a good Japanese camera, easy to use. (44) ____________________________________________________ whereas the Americanversions are considerably more expensive.
  The Olympic BY model weighs only 320 grams which is quite a bit less than other cameras of asimilar type. Indeed, one of the other models we looked at weighed almost twice as much. (45) _______________________________________________________________________ . Allthe people we interviewed expressed almost total satisfaction with it. (46) ____________________________________________________________ .

entwo 发表于 2016-7-29 09:19:49

  36. 答案:quality
  解析:good quality是“质量好”,名词短语修饰models。此词不要误写成quantity“数量”或动词qualify。
  37. 答案:investigated
  38. 答案:value
  解析:value for money意为“性价比”。
  39. 答案:familiar
  40. 答案:assessed
  41. 答案:recommend
  42. 答案:perhaps
  43. 答案:additional
  44. 标准答案:Equivalent German models tend to be heavier and slightly less easy to use
  听音关键:German models, heavier, less easy to use
  答案重构:1) Similar German models are usually heavier and slightly less convenient to use
  2) The same German models/cameras/ones tend to be heavier and a little more difficult to use
  45. 标准答案:Similarly, it is smaller than most of its competitors, thus fitting easily intoa pocket or handbag
  听音关键:Similarly, smaller than, competitors, fit easily
  答案重构:Similarly, it is smaller than other models and can be put in a pocket or handbag easily
  46. 标准答案:The only problem was a slight awkwardness in loading the film
  听音关键:problem, awkwardness, load, film
  答案重构:1) The only problem was a slight trouble/difficulty in loading the film
  2) The only problem was that it may be a little difficult to put the film into the camera
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查看完整版本: 2015年12月英语六级听力在线练习27