英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:43



  A. She never used the services offered by the CareerServices Center.
  B. She logged on the e-fairs of the Career ServicesCenter.
  C. She didn't like the services offered by the CareerServices Center.
  D. She has used the career mentoring program.
  A. There will be lots of job opportunities in these two areas.
  B. There will be less job opportunities in these two areas.
  C. There will be no changes in the job opportunities in these two areas.
  D. There will be more and more job candidates competing in these two areas.
  A. It will establish a database for her.
  B. It will help her find an internship.
  C. It will help her find a job when she graduates.
  D. It will help her do a series of tests again.
  A. Stop by the Career Services Center and ask for help.
  B. Look for an internship.
  C. Change his major to accounting.
  D. Call the Career Services Center to make an appointment.

enfive 发表于 2016-7-29 09:54:46

  M: Have you ever used any of the services offeredby the Career Services Center?
  W: I've never logged on to any of the e-fairs,but I have used the career mentoring program. It'sgreat! I've been talking to this cool counselor at theCareer Center, and he thinks I would be great instatistics or accounting.
  M: Oh yeah? How does he know that?
  W: He gave me a couple of tests to measure my interests and abilities. Then, he asked me lotsof questions about the type of student I am, and what kind of lifestyle I want to have after Igraduate. Then, he ran a computer cross-check that showed my skills and interests were mostclosely related to students who have majored in statistics and accounting.
  M: But what about finding a job when you graduate?
  W: The Career Center also has a huge research database. The counselor told me there'llbe lots of jobs in those two fields over the next 10 years.
  M: It sounds good, but what if you declare one of those majors and then don't like it?
  W: Well, the center can help me find an internship next summer. I can do volunteer workfor a company in my major and see if I like it. If I don't, I can change my major. The counselorsaid the center will be glad to help me with that. It's a great place. You should check it out!
  M: Yes, it sounds pretty cool. Can I just stop by their office and ask for help?
  W: Well, I think you should call them to make an appointment first.
  M: OK. I guess I will do that this afternoon.
  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  19. What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?
  解析:女士说她从未用过电子服务,但使用过career mentoring program,故选D。
  20. What did the counselor tell the woman about jobs in the fields of statistics andaccounting?
  21. What will the center do to help the woman to see if she likes the major or not?
  22. What will the man probably do next?
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