英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:38




  Russia's International Aviation and Space Show,animpressive display of military and civilian aviationhardware.
  But this year, it was the military sector of theindustry that stole the spotlight, as the air show wasused to showcase the country's military might.
  "We are to enhance Russia’s unique advantages in the aviation field and consolidate ourleading role in manufacturing military aviation equipment. Therefore, we should carry outmodernization and upgrading in aviation and space rocket manufacturing, bring in state-of-the-art facilities and ameliorate every link in order to improve our products’ quality andcharacters,"
  Although western companies were present, Russia's defense industry is squeezed by sanctionsover Ukraine and the loss of Ukrainian suppliers.
  “Something like 300 enterprises in Russia received components from Ukraine. When all of thisdisappeared, you can imagine the level of losses,”
  While a controversial deal to sell advanced missile defense systems to Iran was delayed,Moscow courted other Middle East customers and allies.
  “Now that its friendly regime of Bashar -Assad is literally under fire in Syria; and, of course,Russia managed to restore ties and even military cooperation with Egypt. But, still probablyit needs more allies, and especially now that the oil prices are diving,”
  While Russia's aviation companies are having their ups and downs, deals expected later thisyear could help to steady the industry.
  But much will depend on Russia's military spending and the economy.

entwo 发表于 2016-7-29 09:47:26

  1.civilian aviation 民航
  例句:A team of U.S. military and civilian aviationexperts working with Haitian officials began sorting flights, allowing some to land immediately based on what was needed most.
  2.military might 军事实力
  例句:This friction will sharpen as the two countries build their economic and military might.
  3.missile defense 导弹防御
  例句:Since then, Japan and the United States have deepened cooperation on ballistic missile defense research.
  4.ups and downs 沉浮
  例句:They have their ups and downs while working.
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