英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:36




  In the mid-1960s the times they were indeed a-changin.
  One of the places those changes were being felt wasthe world of folk music, says rock historian ElijahWald, author of a new book, “Dylan Goes Electric.”
  “There was a moment in the early 60s where youcould look at the Billboard chart and seven of the top10 albums were folk records.
  And Joan Baez, Peter Paul and Mary, the Kingston Trio, all had huge, huge, huge number-onerecords.”
  And then all that changed.
  In 1964, the Beatles had hit and by the summer of 1965 a lot of people in the folk scene weresort of feeling like their world was threatened.”
  They were hoping that Bob Dylan would come to the rescue.
  Dylan had become a legend in folk music circles, both as a powerful songwriter and adistinctive singer.
  Most of the crowd at the Newport Folk Festival on the evening of July 25, 1965 were expectingto hear this,instead when Dylan took the stage,this is what they got.
  Dylan had gone electric, and the folk purists didn't like it one bit.
  “And when Dylan went electric, I think one of the issues was the feeling that-wait a minute, he'sgone over to the enemy.”
  Once they recovered from the shock of it, the audience expressed their displeasure-theybooed.
  Folk fans had looked to Dylan to save their movement from the rock'n' roll onslaught, but"Dylan had always liked rock'n roll and Dylan didn't think of rock-n-roll as stupid music.”
  In fact, Dylan was a Beatles fan.
  He would later say that from the first time he heard the Beatles he knew “they were pointing tothe direction where music had to go.”
  “Honestly, once the Beatles hit, I think the writing was on the wall.
  But when Dylan went with the Beatles on that one, that was that…
  That was essentially the end of the folk scene as a huge mainstream pop trend.”
  Beyond the music, Dylan's performance that night also marked a turning point in Americanculture.
  "There are two halves to the 1960s.”
  What he meant was: just picture Martin Luther King, Jr.'s March on Washington in 1963-mostof the protesters are wearing suits.
  You'd never see that in the hippie days of the late 60s.
  “Before 1965 was really a different world, and it's the 60s of the Civil Rights Movement,and offolk music and of joining arms across the generations and across the races.
  And after 1965 it's the world of rock…I'm not saying that Dylan created that change,but I dothink that the confrontation at Newport happened because it was symbolic of that muchlarger confrontation,and has been remembered because it really is sort of the moment ofrupture where the new 60s emerged.”

ensix 发表于 2016-7-29 09:48:19

  1.come from 来自;来自于
  例句:Many of the clothes come from the world's topfashion houses.
  2.aware of 意识到;知道
  例句:He became more aware of the things thatstarted that tension off.
  3.ask for 请求;索取;询问
  例句:That was Nicholas's cue to ask for another chocolate chip cookie.
  4.respond to 响应;回答
  例句:Some cases of arthritis respond to a gluten-free diet.
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