英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:21




  6,500 athletes are competing in 25 sports, and manycompetitors are at the top their game.
  This athlete's mom from Ireland is impressed.
  “I can only say it's a privilege to be here.They'reamazing games.
  They're going really well. Things are really good."
  A mon from Papua New Guinea says her nation's sixSpecial Olympics athletes are thrilled to be here.
  “A new place, new experience, new challenges. And very good."
  The Special Olympics offer exposure to new cultures.
  And the chance for medical screening, including physical therapy, through the Special OlympicsHealthy Athletes program.
  “Getting them glasses, shoes, eye care, proper hearing aids.
  It's all about getting them the stepping stone to greater self-empowerment."
  Competitions take place at venues around Los Angeles, including the University of SouthernCalifornia.
  The Special Olympics games will continue through Sunday, as the athletes show theircompetitive skills and make new friends from other countries.
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查看完整版本: 2015年12月英语六级听力暑期练习28