英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:20




  NEW YORK— As American and Swiss authoritiesproceed with their criminal investigationsagainst FIFA officials, the future of theorganization and its leadership remains amystery. Anti-corruption experts say FIFA musttake certain steps if it is to regain the world’strust.
  One of the most expansive cases of foreign bribery in the history of the U.S. JusticeDepartment had its start with ex-FIFA executive Chuck Blazer’s secret plea deal in 2013. Thatwas followed by the indictment of 14 FIFA officials in May.
  Professor of law, Jennifer Arlen says prosecutors are working their way up to the top.
  She said, "If they have some witnesses who don't want to cooperate, there's nothing likewatching other people get indicted to encourage you to cooperate.”
  Uncertain future
  Coming off record television ratings for the women’s World Cup, the future of football in theUnited States seems promising. But for FIFA, the future is less certain.
  Anti-corruption compliance expert Jeff Thinnes, CEO of JTI Inc., calls FIFA a “multibillion-dollarsecret society” and says many of its 209 members have long-standing relationships with seniorexecutives.
  “Clearly some due diligence needs to be done on those individuals, and everybody currentlyassociated with FIFA, so that as it’s reconstituted, the world at large could be sure that we aretruly starting with a clean slate,” Thinnes said.
  Former FIFA Independent Governance Committee member Alexandra Wrage said a lack oftransparency works against the “good, ethical” people embedded within the organization.
  “It's a nonprofit and they should be answerable to the public. They are getting the benefit ofthis tax-free status, and the price of that is greater transparency. When a nonprofit the sizeof FIFA, with the reserves of FIFA, has less transparency than a public corporation, there’ssomething really wrong with the system."
  CONCACAF — FIFA’s affiliate governing body responsible for North America, Central Americaand the Caribbean — recently announced reforms. Among them are term limits for ExecutiveCommittee members, credit and background checks for vendors, and annual financialstatements available to the public.
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查看完整版本: 2015年12月英语六级听力暑期练习17