英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:18




  Judging from the reaction in financial markets-it's adone deal.
  A third European bailout for Greece worth nearly 90billion euros.
  But Greek lawmakers have yet to ratify the terms-which include more spending cuts, tax hikes and theprivatization of government assets.
  That's the easy part, says Johns Hopkins international economics professor Cristino Arroyo,who spoke with VOA on Skype.
  “The really hard part is that they're going to have to make, besides the required reforms, theywill also have to find ways to get growth going and that is the real challenge.”
  Even if the Greek parliament ratifies the deal, it's an uphill climb for a country still trying to digitself out of a deep recession.
  Market analyst Mike Ingram at BGC Partners says more spending cuts are unlikely to produceenough growth to reduce Greece's rapidly expanding debt.
  “We're going to see further cuts in public sector expenditure.
  Broad brush-a lot more austerity, probably forever.”
  Without a plan to grow Greece's cash-starved economy-economist Robert Kahn at the Councilon Foreign Relations says the latest bailout is just a bandage.
  "Even if we get a deal, my fear is that it will be really more an effort to kick the can down theroad and buy some time, rather than really put in place policies that will return growth toGreece."
  Greece's largest creditor-Germany, which had been criticized for proposing more spending cutsin exchange for a bailout, says there may be room yet for compromise.
  German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
  “The Eurogroup is ready if necessary to grant longer grace period and longer loan maturities-we talked about it after the first successful review of the new Greek program.”
  While Greek banks remain closed this week-some finance ministers expressed relief thatnegotiations have averted a potentially destabilizing Greek exit for now.
  Some say the bigger challenge in coming weeks is how to rebuild trust between Athens andthe other 18 countries that make up the eurozone.
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查看完整版本: 2015年12月英语六级听力暑期练习15