英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:14




  VIENNA— As the crowd of journalists coveringthe Iran talks swells, so too do theopportunities for media coverage. Hoping tocatch the attention of high-level diplomats, thefamily of American-Iranian marine Amir Hekmatiis in Vienna, pleading for his release from anIranian prison after nearly four years.
  Four years ago, Amir Hekmati, a former U.S. Marine, traveled to Iran to visit his grandmother.Two weeks later, he was arrested and convicted in a 15 minutes trial.
  “And at that point, it was announced within that week after being tried for 15 minutes that hewas sentenced to death for — there were a number of charges but over all it was aboutspying." she said.
  The charges were later dropped, but Amir remains in jail, accused of working with a hostilegovernment, says Sarah’s husband, Ramy Kurdi.
  “It’s been completely dropped by Iran for lack of evidence by the Supreme Court in the latestof cases," he said. "His only charge is cooperating with a hostile country, which is America, butby definition in their laws, America is not a hostile country.”
  This cooperation, he says, was simply serving as U.S. Marine before he had acquired Iraniancitizenship in order to travel to the country of his heritage.
  Kurdi cites other legal justifications for letting Amir free, as the U.S. and Iran continue directtalks here in Vienna aimed at curbing Iran's nuclear program in exchange for relief fromeconomic sanctions.
  Sarah Hekmati says her family traveled to Vienna to appeal to diplomats, both Iranian andAmerican, for medical care and ultimately freedom for her brother.
  "I just want my brother home. I want my dad to hold his son again," she said. "I want mymom’s heart to stop breaking. I want the hole that we all feel by his absence to be filled.”
  Other Americans in Iranian jails
  U.S. President Barack Obama says he is “deeply concerned” about Hekmati and three otherAmericans held in Iranian prisons, including Jason Rezaian, an American-Iranian journalist withThe Washington Post.
  “U.S. citizens, U.S. persons who are held in Iran, this is something that we continue to pushhard on irrespective of the nuclear deal," he said.
  Officials say the stakes are too high for the talks — and the families — to tie prisoners to thenuclear deal. Despite Congressional hearings and resolutions, some analysts say U.S.negotiators are not likely to put a nuclear deal at risk over the fate of a few people.
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查看完整版本: 2015年12月英语六级听力暑期练习2