英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:09




  It's been four years since DRC authorities issued an arrest warrant for a Mai Mai militia Leader accused of crimes against humanity. Nevertheless, he remains at large. Human Rights Watch has released-what it said-is new information about crimes committed by the militia.
  The rights group says the NDC rebels-commanded Ntabo Ntaberi Sheka-are accused of killings, mass rape, mutilations and child abductions. It says the worst abuses occurred between August 2012 and November 2013 in and around Pinga-a town bordering the Walikale and Masisi territories.
  In July of 2011, U.N. peacekeeping officials tried to arrest Sheka when he sought medical attention in Goma in North Kivu province. However, he escaped. Human Rights Watch says he was possibly “tipped-off by Congolese army personnel, who had a close relationship with him.”
  Human Rights Watch's senior Congo researcher Ida Sawyer said NDC attacks continue.She said capturing Sheka remains difficult.
  “It's partly been difficult because he's operating in a very remote region and it's difficult to find him.
  But it's also the case that he has shifting alliances and at various times support from Congolese army officers and also support from individuals in Rwanda and alliances with other armed groups operating in Eastern Congo. And he's been able to take advantage of this different support to help him evade capture over the years.”
  Sawyer described some of the crimes Sheka and his militia are accused of committing.
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查看完整版本: 2015年6月英语六级听力预热练习6