英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:06




  It's festive season. This time of year Kenyanbeaches are always busy; but not this year.
  Here in Mombasa, there are just a few beachgoers asthousands of regular visitors have avoided thecoastal city.
  Abdallah Omar sells bathing suits and he saidbusiness was down due to fears over security.
  "For all the years I have been here, this year business has been bad. If I compare it with the lastsix years business was fairly good. This year I don't think kids will go to school."
  Mombasa has witnessed a wave of violent attacks and killings of suspected terror suspectsand clerics.
  In the past year, police have stormed Musa mosque in the rundown neighborhood of Majengotwice-temporarily closing down the mosque and three others.
  Authorities have accused the leaders of some Mombasa mosques of radicalizing young men orrecruiting for the Somali terrorist group al-Shabab-which has repeatedly attacked Kenya in thepast several years.
  Police here said there has been an uptick in attacks on civilians, government workers andmoderate clerics by these radicalized young men.
  The security situation has prompted Western countries to issue travel advisories to itscitizens.
  Tourism officials estimate at least 4 million in revenue has been lost so far.
  Brian, a German tourist, said he was well aware of the terror warnings but he felt safe.
  "I heard the travel warnings then I called the embassy. They were saying you have to be safewe raised the security and I try not to follow fears in general."
  Alfred Mwenda, a sunglasses vendor, said people tend to confuse Mombasa and the wholecoastal region with Lamu-which has seen deadly al-Shabab attacks.
  "Those visitors who come from Nairobi, if they hear Mombasa or Lamu there is death and aterror attack. They see Mombasa like Lamu. Most don't know that Lamu is different fromMombasa."
  Business and hotel owners along the coast hope the New Year will bring a return of calm, andwith it, the return of tourists.
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查看完整版本: 2015年6月英语六级听力预热练习1