英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:01




  After a one-day delay, due to minor problems witha stubborn valve and a strong wind, the huge DeltaIV Heavy rocket blasted off from Florida's KennedySpace Center at 7:05 local time, carrying the newOrion capsule, still without the human crew.
  The flight lasted 4 hours and 24 minutes. Thespacecraft orbited the Earth twice before splashing into the Pacific Ocean.
  At a press conference after the splashdown, NASA's Orion program manager Mark Geyer saidit was hard to have a better day than today.
  “It's a difficult mission. It's a tough environment to fly through. Its tough objectives that weset up for this flight. But it appears that Orion and the Delta IV Heavy were nearly flawless.Great job by the team.”
  Geyer said this is the first system secure enough to carry humans into deep space since Apollo17, launched in 1972.
  Orion's elongated orbit took it through the dangerous layer of highly-charged subatomicparticles called the Van-Allen belt, where NASA engineers tested the spacecraft's resistance tocosmic radiation.
  Upon re-entry into the atmosphere, the capsule was traveling almost 30 times faster than thespeed of sound, while the temperature of its heat shield rose to 2,200 degrees Celsius.
  The capsule was built by Lockheed Martin. Its Orion program manager, Michael Hawes, said thecorporation is already working on the next design, and data acquired today will be veryvaluable.
  “There is an awful lot that is already going, but we'll learn just an enormous amount from whatwe did today and when we get all that data back that will be a big deal for us.”
  NASA says in the future, the Orion capsule will fly on top of a more powerful rocket, the SpaceLaunch System. In 2018, NASA plans to send the spacecraft to circumnavigate the moon,while the first flight with astronauts is planned for 2021.
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