英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:01




  After a poor rainy season early this year, parts ofsouthern Somalia now are being hit with severefloods. The rainy season that began in October hascaused flooding along the Shebelle and Juba Rivers.The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization warnsthat’s making ongoing food insecurity even worse.
  The U.N. estimates more than one-million people in Somalia are in urgent need of assistance –a 20-perent increase in the past six months. What’s more, it says another two-million peopleare facing threats to their food security.
  Much of Somalia’s farming takes place along the Shabelle and Juba Rivers. Along the Shabelle,the town of Belet Weyne is the worst hit. Along the Juba, flooding is reported in Dollow, Jiliband Jamame.
  The FAO’s Acting Head of Office for Somalia Luca Alinovi said the embankments have not beenmaintained – making it much easier for the rivers to overflow and inundate agricultural land.
  “So that has implications directly for the people in the town. But also it has a lot of implicationsfor both the people in the rural area and their capacity of producing crops, but also sustaininganimals,” he said.
  The Gu rainy season runs from April to June in Somalia. But this year, it was a poor one,causing agricultural production to drop 35-percent below the average.
  Memories of the 2011 famine are still fresh. Hundreds of thousands of people died.Humanitarian officials are worried it could happen again. Alinovi said food security indicators arewarning of problems ahead.
  “What happened in 2011, which eventually led to the famine situation, was that we had thosebad indicators – and had a very poorly funded humanitarian appeal, which is exactly what ishappening today.”
  Alinovi said only 34-percent of the 2014 humanitarian appeal for Somalia has been received.
  “If we don’t support the people who produce the food where they are, what is happening isthat they move out and they become displaced and refugees as it happened several timesduring crises. We don’t want this happening again. And more over, we have a double effectbecause the people displaced become people in need of support,” he said.
  The current rainy season – the Dayr – is the shortest and usually ends in December. But it’sjust begun. So it’s not known when heavy rains will subside and allow the flood waters torecede.
  The Food and Agriculture Organization said the Somalis in rural areas are still not resilientenough to withstand constant shocks to the food system. Alinovi said that takes years toaccomplish.
  “If we don’t continue to provide consistent support to the farmers where they are – to thepastoralists where they are – to the fisherman where they are – helping them to manage thisvariability of risk which happens every few minutes – we will end up to have people with theircapacity more and more eroded.”
  The FAO said the combination of poor rains and floods have hurt both cereal and livestockproduction. At the same time, conflict involving the al-Shabab militant group has disruptedtrade routes. As a result food prices have soared in some areas.
  The U.N. agency estimated with current donor funds it can assist about 210,000 peoplethrough December. It said an additional $49-million dollars is needed to extend assistance toanother 140,000 people through the first half of 2015.
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