英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:00




  Scientists searching for a cure for AIDS say theyhave uncovered the basic chemistry of the HIVvirus and that the most likely strategy for fightingthe disease will be attacking it with another virus.
  For almost a quarter of a century, scientists aroundthe world have been trying to find a cure for the disease that has so far killed millions. The UNestimates that more than 2 million people were newly infected with the AIDS virus last year,more than half in sub-Saharan Africa. Researchers have developed a range of medicines thatcan substantially prolong the life of HIV-positive patients, but their high price is keeping themoutside of reach of many.
  So scientists at the University of Miami are taking a different approach to attacking the virus.
  In 2008, a patient in Berlin, Germany, was cured of HIV when he received a mutated geneduring a bone marrow transplant from a donor naturally resistant to HIV.
  Director of the Center for AIDS Research at the University of Miami, Mario Stevenson, saidresearchers are now trying to find a way to deliver the mutated gene on a large scale.
  “Although we can't use bone marrow transplant to eradicate HIV, it has given us clues on howwe would approach a cure strategy. It's given us a better understanding of what the virus isdoing in the body of individuals who are on therapy, and it has given us the sort of obstaclesthat we need to overcome in order to eradicate the virus,” he said.
  Stevenson said an effective method would be to develop a harmless virus that could transferthe mutated gene directly into the HIV virus. With this approach, he said, the scientists arebeginning to see a possible cure.
  “The basic science efforts that many of us have been engaged in have started to reveal whatthe ingredients of a cure would look like, what the obstacles to a cure look like, and what asuccess story might look like,” he said.
  Scientists have to make sure that the delivery virus will be absolutely harmless, but they saythe approach looks very promising. They predict it’s just a matter of time before there is avictory in the war against AIDS.
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查看完整版本: 2014年12月英语六级听力冲刺练习16