英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:00




  The United States is redoubling its efforts toadvance the New Silk Road initiative whicheconomically links Afghanistan with Central andSouth Asia.
  "The region," said U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretaryof State for South and Central Asian Affairs Fatema Sumar, “has enormous barriers preventingthe movement of peoples, goods, energy, and ideas."
  The United States sees an opportunity for people across this region to have a better future.Itis in the economic interest of these states to have stable neighbors, where economic conditionsare enhanced by economic diversification. And this is exactly what the United States issupporting through the New Silk Road initiative, which focuses on four areas: creating aregional energy market, facilitating trade and transit, streamlining customs and borders, andconnecting people and businesses.
  The United States believes the new North-South trade routes across Central and South Asiacan ultimately complement important East-West routes that tie Europe and East Asia.
  With regard to energy markets in Central Asia, there is tremendous opportunity to furtherdevelop capacity and seek new markets for export. Several Central Asian countries havealready found a market for their electricity in Afghanistan. Recently, the World Bank's CASA-1000 project, which aims to bring surplus summer power from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan toAfghanistan and Pakistan, reached another important milestone with the signing of the transitprice agreement between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
  Action on the development of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India, or TAPI, naturalgas pipeline can provide additional markets for Turkmen natural gas in South Asia, where thedemand for natural gas is critical. In addition, Afghanistan stands to benefit from transitrevenue and jobs as it continues to strengthen its economy.Unlike other regional energyprojects, TAPI can only be financed by the private sector and not the donor community.Therefore, it is critically important to identify an international oil company that is willing to leadthe TAPI consortium and help bring the project to fruition.
  The U.S. believes the Silk Road initiative is the best way to bring about a stable, secure andprosperous future for South and Central Asia.
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查看完整版本: 2014年12月英语六级听力冲刺练习6