英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:31:49




  New cabinet ministers have been appointed in thetransitional government of the Central AfricanRepublic, an important step toward establishing agrassroots national dialogue that will pave the wayfor elections to restore the troubled nation todemocratic rule.
  In one of his first acts since being named prime minister by interim President CatherineSamba-Panza, Mahamat Kamoun named 31 officials to head the ministries that will work torebuild the shattered country. The C.A.R. has been wracked by violence since the Selekaarmed group began a rebellion in November 2012, which led to the overthrow of formerPresident Francois Bozize.
  The new cabinet, which includes 23 men and eight women, also has representatives from boththe Seleka and the anti-balaka militias that formed to resist the Seleka after it took control, aswell as representatives from a range of CAR political organizations.
  Over the last year and a half the C.A.R. has had three presidents and three prime ministers.The inter-communal violence that has accompanied the political crisis has displaced over amillion people and cost an estimated 2,000 lives. A hundred and fifty thousand C.A.R. refugeeshave been forced into neighboring countries by the fighting since December 2013.
  The United States has been heavily engaged in helping to address the nation’s humanitariancrisis and we welcome the announcement of a new, more representative government there.We call on all of the ministers to move ahead quickly with the democratic transition processand to demonstrate by their actions that they govern in the interest of all of C.A.R.’s peopleby including their voices in a broad-based, inclusive national dialogue. Such a transition processand dialogue are critical in reuniting the nation.
  We categorically reject challenges to CAR’s territorial integrity and believe the nation’s hopesrest on unity and reconciliation. The dangers of division have been obvious over the last 18months.
  The new government, and indeed all citizens, must now focus on the hard work of nationaldialogue and consultation, leading to a democratic transition and elections next year.
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