英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:31:47




  The Ebola epidemic is raising serious concernsabout food security in Liberia -- the country hardesthit by the outbreak in West Africa. The U.N. Foodand Agriculture Organization will conduct rapidassessments of the situation.
  Food security in Liberia is being threatened on a number of fronts mostly due to fear ofinfection. For example, food imported by ships and planes may not arrive as often. AndLiberian farmers, who often work in groups to boost production, are not doing so.
  Joseph Boiwu, U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization’s Assistant Country Representative forProgram in Liberia, “This is a serious situation that we all need to be very concerned about.Even prices are increasing. If ships are not coming into this country – we depend mostly onimports – what about food? Those are serious concerns that we need to take on board andthink about Liberia.”
  Ebola has spread in the farming regions.
  “As we speak, you will notice the total number of cases in this country has reached up to 1,378.And Lofa County is one of the breadbasket counties of this country. And the cases they haveare up to 542. So, all the counties, including Nimba, are affected,” he said.
  The World Health Organization regularly issues updated figures on the Ebola outbreak. So, thenumbers mentioned by Boiwu at the time of the interview may rise.
  Efforts are underway to persuade Liberian farmers to return to working in groups. But theFAO’s Boiwu said that’s easier said than done.
  “One of the methods that they have given that will help people to stay away from Ebola is toavoid being in groups. So farmers, they are not in groups again. We have been trying toorganized farmer-based organizations, where you have farmers working in groups. Andindividual farming is very small. They can’t produce sufficient as individuals, so weencourage them to work in groups. But group farming now is just not possible due to thisEbola. So they are all afraid.”
  What’s more, movement has been restricted in some Liberian counties.
  The FAO has been monitoring food prices in Monrovia. For example, the price of the staplecassava is reported to have increased by 150-percent. Pepper is up 133-percent. The U.N.agency’s rapid assessments will determine what the food price hikes are outside of the capital.
  The agency said that there’s “urgent need for short-cycled vegetable production…as well asurgent support for fishermen…to enable them to increase their catch.”
  Health officials believe the Ebola virus was transmitted from animals – bats and monkeys, forexample – to humans. The FAO will conduct a risk assessment of animal/human contact anddevelop safeguards. The assessment is expected to lead to an early warning surveillancesystem that could quickly detect the presence of infected wildlife – and trigger effective publichealth measures.
  Boiwu said, “Most of the people like hunters, like farmers, they depend on meat – their sourceof protein. So we’ll also conduct an analysis of their value chain situation of bushmeat. Whenwe have this information we think it’s going to help with Ebola from our perspective.”
  Rapid assessments of food security are also scheduled to get underway in Guinea and SierraLeone.
  The FAO’s sister agency, the World Food Program, reported it’s “scaling-up” its operations, notonly in Liberia, but neighboring Sierra Leone and Guinea. The WFP says the goal is to reachone-million people in Ebola affected areas with food deliveries.
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