英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:31:23


Sweetheart Dethroned
For some years Whitney Houston held the post of America's Sweetheart,pretty, God-fearing and patriotic.
She went to the White House to discuss youth projects,and set up a foundation to fight illiteracy.
Her rendering of "The Star-Spangled Banner" at the Superbowl in 1991, during the Gulf war-cuddly as a teddy-bear in a white tracksuit-was so joyously rousing that it was reissued in the wake of the September 2001 attacks.
Music allowed her to break onto MTV and the late-night chat shows,forging a new path for black women as Michael Jackson had done for the men.
她的美妙歌声让她频频出现在MTV和深夜谈话节目中,正如迈克杰克逊为黑人男子所作出的贡献一样,在音乐的世界里,惠特尼·休斯顿也为黑人女子锻造了一条新的道路, It also proved, to many blacks,that she was not black enough,showing none of their fury and very little of the soulful gospel depths of Auntie Ree and Cousin Dionne.
The cutting urban hip-hop of the 1980s she found ugly,like listening to her brothers boast of the women they'd laid.
When she tried angrier songs herself-as in "It's not Right But it's Okay", in 1998-they still seemed as cool and glossy as her blue sheath dress.
后来她开始尝试演唱那些愤怒的歌曲,诸如在1998年演唱的“不对但是没关系”。 这些歌曲听起来仍然像她那件蓝色女紧身连衣裙那样,冷淡而又大气。
The scratchy defiance of later albums owed more to the drug-ravaged thinness of her voice than the miseries of her recent life.
Who she was, and what she really wanted,remained as unclear as her bathtub death in a Los Angeles hotel on the night before the Grammys-at which Adele, another big belter in the Houston style,carried away most of the prizes.
She needed the give and take of an audience,Miss Houston said.
Besides, God had given her this gift to use.
Yet told by Oprah Winfrey in 2009 that her voice was a national treasure,and that some people thought she had squandered it,she could only whisper, terror-struck, "That's heavy."
Too heavy, was perhaps the truth.
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