A romantic rut can do more than just damage your relationship; it can have a serious impact on your mental health as well.感情有隔阂不仅危害两人的关系,还会对心理健康造成严重创伤。
When you’re fighting with your partner or you become distant, everything seems to become more frustrating and all you can focus on is the negative. The best way to have a healthy relationship is to communicate with each other effectively and often. While it seems so simple, it’s something many of us struggle with as we get wrapped up in our own busy schedules and forget what (or in this case, who) is really important to us.当你跟伴侣争吵或疏远时,一切会变得令人沮丧,触目所及尽是些消极的东西。若想拥有健康的伴侣关系,最好的办法便是双方多进行有效沟通。说起来简单,但做起来并不那么容易。很多人总是忙着应付自己的日常琐事,常常忘了关心生活中最重要的那个人。
Safeguard your relationship and your health with these 7 easy communication tips:以下7个简单的沟通贴士有助于帮你经营感情并维持身心健康:
1. Talk every day每天交流
Make it a point to have a real, open, honest conversation with your partner every day when possible. You’re with the person you love so you should be able to discuss things that are important to you without fear of being judged. Try going for a relaxing after-dinner walk together and talk about what’s on your mind. Just be sure to hold hands – affection is just as important!每天尽可能和伴侣真实坦诚地交流。你爱这个人,应该跟他说说对你来说很重要的事情,而不必担心受到评判。试着饭后一起轻松地散散步,跟他说说你的想法。另外别忘了牵手哦——感情还是要培养的!
2. Compliment each other多多赞美
Everyone loves to be complimented! The key here is to compliment things beyond the physical – although telling your partner they look great can’t hurt. If your husband is a great cook, tell him how much you appreciate his skills, and if your wife is a great listener, let her know. Compliments that go beyond skin deep make a bigger impact and mean a lot more.每个人都喜欢被人称赞!重点是你要多赞美伴侣外貌以外的方面——当然,赞美他神采飞扬也无可厚非。如果你的丈夫擅长做菜,可以多赞扬他的厨艺;如果你的妻子善于倾听,就让她知道。赞美内在的优点,意义和影响要深远得多。
3. Be thoughtful细微体贴
If your partner has a big meeting or a huge project to work on that day, send him/her a text or a cute email to let them know you’re thinking about them and to wish them good luck. If your partner stayed home sick, come home with their favorite soup. Little gestures show that you’re in tune with their needs and remind them how much you care about them.如果你的伴侣当天有一场会议或一项重大项目,那就给他发条短信或轻松的邮件,表达一下你的关心并祝他搞定一切。如果你的伴侣卧病在家,那么你下班后可以给他炖一碗美味的汤。这些细微的举动恰好体现出你对他的关心,表明你真的很在乎他。
4. Fight logically理智争论
If you find yourself in the midst of a brewing fight, be logical and specific about what you have to say, and most importantly, remain calm. If you’re frustrated because your partner didn’t do something they agreed to do, tell them how you feel without yelling broad accusations like, “You always break your promises!” Try instead, “I feel hurt because you said that you would do this, but you didn’t.”如果你感到你们快要爆发争吵,那么请保持镇定,有理有据地讲明自己的观点。如果你感到沮丧,因为伴侣明明答应的事情又没去做,可以把你的情绪告诉他,但不要一味指责大喊:“你总是食言!”你可以试着跟他说:“我很难过。因为你明明答应过,结果却又没去做。”
5. Don’t bottle things up切忌放任不管
Little things can blow up into big problems if left unattended. Don’t avoid talking about small issues because you think it’s not worth a fight. If you fight logically, you can resolve small issues quickly and easily, and nip a big relationship blowout in the bud.如果放任自流,小事情都能酿成大问题。不要因为可能存在争执而逃避讨论小问题。如果你俩争执时能保持理智,小问题绝对能迎刃而解,不好的关系苗头也会被扼杀在萌芽之中。
6. Become an active listener积极倾听
Active listening is something that takes time to master, but practice makes perfect. Make eye contact, nod your head, respond verbally (things like “okay” or “mhmm”), restate what they’ve said back to them, and ask thoughtful questions. You can even make it fun and practice together – if it’s awkward, at least you’ll get a good laugh out of it!掌握积极倾听的技能得花功夫练习,但熟能生巧。记得要眼神交流、点头、偶尔应答(比如说“好”、“嗯”)、重复对方刚刚说过的话并进行关切的询问。多多练习,这会很有趣。当然要是真的做不来,至少你可以一笑了之。
7. Say I love you说出我爱你
There’s no better way to remind your partner that you love them than by telling them sincerely and genuinely. Hearing the person you adore tell you they love you is the best feeling in the world, so don’t take it for granted. Say it sweetly and say it often, and don’t assume your partner should “just know” how you feel.再也没有什么能比亲口真诚说出“我爱你”表达你对伴侣的爱意了。当你所爱的人亲口说出爱你的时候,那感觉真是美妙至极。所以赶快拿出行动来,甜蜜地说出“我爱你”,让他一直感受到你的浓情蜜意吧。
Communication is the key to a happy, healthy relationship, and when your relationship is in a great place your mind can be too! Enjoy some quality talking time with your partner and let your stress fade away!沟通是一段幸福美满关系的关键。当你与伴侣关系融洽时,你的身心也会健康快乐!学着享受与伴侣交心沟通,让压力一扫而光吧!