A brand new year is always exciting! We are filled with anticipation, we resolve to achieve our goals and make our dreams come true. Here are 20 tips to be the best possible version of you in 2016!全新的一年总是让人兴奋!我们充满希望,下定决心要达成目标、实现梦想。以下是20条建议,帮你在2016年成为最好的自己!
1. As long as you are breathing, you are capable of changing and growing.只要你还活着,就能改变和成长。
2. Accept responsibility for your own life.为自己的生活负责。
3. Put yourself first.把自己放在第一位。
4. Raise your standards.提高自己的标准。
5. Don't compare your life to others. You don't know what destiny - for better or worse- has in store for them.不要拿自己的生活和别人相比。你不知道命运为他们准备了好事还是坏事。
6 Don't look back, keep moving forward.不要回头,要勇往直前。
7. Master the art of observation.掌握观察的艺术。
8. Learn from other people's experiences.他山之石,可以攻玉。
9. Reward yourself when a goal is accomplished.实现目标后要奖励自己。
10. Never say 'can't' or 'won't'.永远不要说“不能”或“不愿意”。
11. Read, read, and read some more.读书,读书,再读书。
12. Stay motivated and go for it.积极努力去争取。
13. Decide what you want -- then do it.确定好目标,然后去做。
14. Make sure to have a balance -- family, financial, professional, social, spiritual, recreational.要保持平衡——家庭、财务、事业、社会关系、心态、娱乐活动。
15. Keep your personal goals at the forefront of your mind.把个人目标放在第一位。
16. Never fear failure. It is just another step leading you onward and upward.永远不要害怕失败,那只是使你前进的又一步。
17. Be open to suggestions, feedback, challenges and guidance.敞开心扉接受建议、反馈、挑战和指导。
18. Extend kindness to all who cross your path.对你生命中所有过客都传达善意。
19. Never hold a grudge, let it go.心中不要有怨恨,学会放手。
20. Take control of your mind and emotions, if you don't, they will control you.控制你的思想和情绪,否则就会被它们控制。