英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 22:05:21

满足这26个标准 你就是现代版窈窕淑女!

        1. Finds laughter is the best medicine.笑口常开是无上的良药。
        2. Can say 'thank you' no matter where she is in the world.身处世界任何角落都会说“谢谢”。
        3. Cooks perfect.下得厨房。
        4. Offers to split the bill.主动提出AA账单。
        5. Knows that everyone, including herself, improves with age.知道任何人(包括自己)都会随着年龄的增长而进步。
        6. Offers the builder a cup of tea.为维修工端上一杯茶。
        7. Can silence a man with a stare and make a dog lie down with a hand signal.瞪男人一眼就能让他们闭嘴;做个手势就能让狗狗趴下。
        8. Can imitate Piglet and Pooh voices for a bedtime story.讲睡前故事能模仿小猪和小熊维尼的声音。
        9. However lucky in life, she doesn't boast on Facebook.无论生活中有多幸运,都不会晒到Facebook上。
        10. Never downs a drink in one, unless it's a shot of tequila.喝酒从不一口闷,除非是一口龙舌兰。
        11. Is aware that the school run and dog walking do not require full make-up.明白接送孩子上下学和遛狗不需要化浓妆。
        12. Never wears shoes she can't walk in.从来不会穿磨脚的鞋。
        13. Can paunch a rabbit, pluck a pheasant and gut a fish, but allows men the privilege.能杀兔子、野鸡和鱼,但会让男人动手。
        14. Is neither early for a dinner party nor late for church.晚宴从不早到、做礼拜从不迟到。
        15. Knows how to deflect a lecher with grace, and a proposal with kindness.知道如何优雅地避开色狼,也知道如何善意地拒绝求婚。
        16. Comforts nervous flyers.安慰坐飞机紧张的人。
        17. Would never have Botox.从不注射肉毒杆菌。
        18. Knows when to let a man think it's his idea.知道什么时候让男人拿主意。
        19. Knows when to take control in the bedroom and the boardroom.知道何时主内何时主外。
        20. Instills manners in her children, but lets their characters flourish.教导孩子懂礼貌,也让孩子性格自由发展。
        21. Can handle a sports car, a sit-on mower and a ski lift.开跑车、摆弄割草机、开滑雪缆车都不在话下。
        22. Knows when to stop dyeing her hair.知道什么时候停止染发。
        23. Teaches her son to iron his shirts and her daughter to change a fuse.教儿子熨衬衫,教女儿换保险丝。
        24. Owns a little black dress.拥有一条小黑裙。
        25. Always has a hanky.随身带手帕。
        26. Knows that brevity is the soul of lingerie.知道“简洁是内衣的灵魂”。
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查看完整版本: 满足这26个标准 你就是现代版窈窕淑女!