A head boy who was given three weeks to live after being diagnosed with deadly cancer just before his high school graduation has defied the odds to give a heart-wrenching speech to his classmates.就在高中毕业前夕,一名优秀学子被确诊患上致命癌症,只有三周时间可活。他与命运抗争,在毕业典礼上向同学们发表了一段摄人心魄的演讲。
Jake Bailey, 18, made a surprise visit at the Christchurch Boy's High School assembly in New Zealand despite being told by doctors that 'he wouldn't be here tonight to deliver this speech'.18岁的杰克·百利意外地出现在新西兰基督城男子高中的学生大会上,尽管医生曾说“今晚他本是不会来作此演讲的。”
The teenager was diagnosed with Burkitts non-Hodgkin lymphoma after several weeks of feeling unwell - a rare and aggressive form of cancer that presents rapidly enlarging tumour masses. Without immediate intense chemotherapy treatment, the fast-growing cancer can be fatal.少年百利体感不适,抱恙数周后确诊患有伯基特非霍奇金淋巴瘤,这一鲜见的癌症来势凶猛,症状表现为肿瘤飞速胀大。如不接受强化疗,癌症将急速扩散,会有生命之虞。
In an astonishing display of bravery, he attended the assembly in his wheelchair and challenged his classmates and teachers to take hold of their lives and be 'passionately dedicated' to the now.百利的勇敢令人讶异,他坐着轮椅参加晨会,鼓舞同学和老师把握生命、“热情投入、专注现今”。
Fighting back tears, Mr Bailey was unwavering in his delivery: 'Here's the thing, none of us get out of life alive, so be gallant, be great, be gracious and be grateful for the opportunities you have.'演讲时百利忍住泪水,矢志不渝,他说,“事实便是如此,我们无人能逃死劫,所以要无畏、要出挑、要仁慈、要对拥有的机会心怀感恩。”
'We don't know where we might end up, or when we might end up.' Quoting Jim Rohn, he went on to say: 'Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you.'“我们不知终将沦落何处、亦不知将何时消亡”,百利引用吉姆·罗恩的话语,继续说道,“让别人,而不是你,去活小写的人生;让别人,而不是你,去为小伤小痛哀婉哭泣;让别人,而不是你,任由财富沦落他人之手。”
With wisdom and courage well beyond his years, Mr Bailey's speech captivated the large audience as they soaked up every word. 'The future is truly in our hands. Forget about long term dreams, let‘s be passionately dedicated to the pursuit of short term goals,' Mr Bailey dared his peers. Fittingly, he finished with the school motto, 'Altiora Peto' - a Latin phrase meaning 'I aim higher.'百利的智慧与勇气远远超乎其年纪,他的演讲字字玑珠,句句攫取人心。“未来真心在我们手中。不去谈长远的梦想,热情投身追求眼前现有的目标吧,”百利如是鼓励同龄人。最后,百利适时以拉丁语校训“Altiora Peto”——“志存高远”结束演讲。