http://you.video.sina.com.cn/api/sinawebApi/outplayrefer.php/vid=101910085_1664032380_PELnSyo+XmLK+l1lHz2stqlF+6xCpv2xhGuyvVakJgxaXQyYJMXNb9wH4SDXAM9K9HoLHcwydP4n3hwtaKJd/s.swfDove's tagline is 'you are more beautiful than you think', so for its new Real Beauty Sketches the beauty giant used a forensic artist to prove it.多芬的品牌口号是:“你比你想象的更美丽。” 并通过画师对现实生活中的女性速写画像实践了这句口号。
The company recruited seven women of different ages and backgrounds and asked them to describe their facial features, then enlisted FBI-trained sketch artist Gil Zamora to draw them based on their input.该公司邀请了七位年龄、社会背景不同的女性参加了这次活动,按照要求描述自己的相貌。再由受过联邦调查局认可的法庭画师吉尔萨莫拉根据她们的描述画出人物肖像。
The poignant video has been viewed a staggering 6.5 million times on the brands YouTube channel, making it the second most viewed YouTube video after PSY’s Gentleman.这一震撼人心的视频截止目前,已在YouTube网站上有650万次点击量,仅次于鸟叔PSY的新曲《绅士》。
When asked to describe themselves to Zamora, viewers can hear the women saying things like 'I kind of have a fat, rounder face' and 'I would say I have a pretty big forehead.'这些女性在向画师萨莫拉描述自己时,总会说“我有点胖,是个圆脸。” 或者 “我前额特别大。” 诸如此类的话。
The women were also asked to spend time with strangers, but neither party was told why. When asked general questions about the women, the strangers were much kinder. 'She was so thin you could see her cheekbones,' said one, while another man remarked 'she had nice eyes; they lit up when she spoke.' 参与测试的女性还要和陌生人呆在一起,但双方都不知道目的何在。当问起陌生人对某位女性的看法时,他们的回答都更为友善。一位陌生人说:“她特别瘦,瘦得能够看到颧骨。” 而另一个则评价道:“她的眼睛很漂亮,当她抬头说话时,那双眼睛会闪闪发光。”
Dove began the first Campaign for Real Beauty in 2004, after conducting a survey that showed only two percent of women worldwide would describe themselves as beautiful. 在得知全世界只有2%的女性对自己的相貌感到满意后,多芬于2004年开展了第一个“天生美人”的活动。
In the two drawings are shown side-by-side, the contrast is stark - and the women seem stunned.'She looks closed off and fatter. Sadder too,' said one woman when asked to describe the two sketches. 'The other one looks more open, friendly and happy.'将同一个人的两幅画像并排比较,连画作的原型人物都会震惊于那强烈的对比。一位女性在描述两幅速写时说:“她在这幅画里看上去更胖,更阴郁悲伤;而另外一幅则显得开朗友好,幸福满足。”
After the experience, many of the women seemed to have a new appreciation for their looks - flaws and all.
'We spend a lot of time as women analyzing and trying to fix the things that aren't quite right,' says Florence, one of the participants.'We should spend more time appreciating the things that we do like.'通过这次经历,许多女性似乎开始更加欣赏自己所有的一切,包括有瑕疵的外表。参与者福劳伦斯说道:“作为女性,我们花了太多时间纠结于已经很完美的事情上,其实我们应该更多地关注自己热爱的事物。”