Susanne Eman, the World’s Fattest Woman, is getting married. with a chef. Last year Eman had the aspiration of doubling her weight from 800-pounds to 1,600-pounds. Sadly, we later learned that doctors stepped in and told her that if she continued this ridiculous quest, she’d die before she ever hit her goal. So she stopped, and it seemed like her fame did as well.世界最胖女人Susanne Eman和一个厨师结婚了。去年Eman 渴望把体重把从800磅(约362公斤)增加到1600磅,使体重翻翻。后来医生介入并告诉她,如果她坚持这个可笑的计划,那么她根本活不到目标实现的那天。所以她停止了计划,然后她便消失在公众的视野中。
Eman’s back and she’s finally found love, and she’s adding one more world record notch to her equator belt – the world’s largest wedding dress. Give me the quote of the year, Huffington Post! "I like an off-whitish, not completely white. Because if I wear completely white, I guarantee I'm going to spill something on it," Eman told Inside Edition.Eman回来了,并最终找到了真爱,除了世界最长腰带,她又建立一项世界纪录,那就是穿上了世上最大号的婚纱。下面引用她对哈芬顿邮报说的话:“我喜欢白色,但不要纯白色的婚纱。因为如果我穿白色,婚纱上一定会洒到东西的弄脏的。”
Just how big is the world’s largest wedding dress? 45 FEET OF MATERIAL!最大号婚纱到底有多大呢?用了45英尺(约13.7米)的布料!她的腰围有九英尺(2.7米)。
Eman has also decided that her health is meaningless, because she now wants to achieve the status of the fattest woman ever. That record currently belongs to Rosalie Bradford, who died in 2006. I assume from natural causes.为了创造最胖女人的纪录,Eman将不惜自己的健康去增肥。现在世界纪录是由2006年已故的Rosalie Bradford创造的,Eman相信她是自然死亡。