16.Keep it simple. There is a world of magnificence hidden in simplicity. Pick the five most important things in your life now and focus on those things. Let the other stuff go. Stop the busyness and really enjoy what’s important to you.简单化。有很多富丽堂皇都隐藏在简简单单中。现在选出你生活中最重要的五件事情,然后集中精力去做这几件事。将其他的一切抛在脑后。停下忙碌的步伐,真正地享受对你来说重要的事情。
17.Focus on goals, not obstacles.专注于目标,而非阻碍。
18.There is a major gap between knowledge and taking ACTION. Mistakes and failures are necessary interim steps in the learning process. Stop talking about what you have done or what you are going to do. Just do it and let your actions speak for themselves.知道和采取行动之间有明显的差距。错误和失败是学习过程中必然会出现的环节。不要再谈论你已经做过的事情和你要去做的事情。只管去做,让行动为事实说话。
19.Sometimes you just have to go for it. Put your uncertainty and fears aside for a second and ask yourself this: “If I try and I don’t get it right the first time, what will I have lost and what will I have gained?” The answer is: You will have lost nothing but a little bit of your time while gaining an important lesson that will help you get it right the second or third time. 有时候你必须去试一下。将你的不确定和担忧暂时放一边,问自己:“如果我尝试了,第一次却未成功,那么我将会失去什么又得到什么呢?”答案是:你只不过失去了自己的一点时间,但是却得到了一次重要的教训,这会帮助你在第二次或第三次的时候做好。
20.Fall down seven times, stand up eight. -Japanese proverb跌倒七次,第八次的时候站起来。——日本格言
21.Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. –Confucius 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。——孔子
22.In order to get, you have to give. 要想索取,必先给予。
23.Not much is worth fighting about. Step back from arguments with your spouse, family members or neighbors. When you feel anger surging up and you want to yell that vulgar remark on tip of your tongue, just close your mouth and walk away. Let yourself calm down. You don’t have to be right or win an argument. It just doesn’t matter.没有什么值得去争吵。在跟伴侣、家人或邻居吵架的时候退让一步。当你感到怒气上升,想要破口大骂的时候,闭上嘴走开。让自己冷静下来。你没必要非要做得对或者在争吵中获胜。这根本就不重要。
24.Forgiveness is not saying, “What you did to me is okay.” It is saying, “I’m not going to let what you did to me ruin my happiness forever.” Forgiveness is always the answer… let go, find peace, liberate yourself!宽恕并不是去说,“你对我做的事情没关系。”而是说,“我不打算让你对我所做的事情永远摧毁我的快乐。” 宽恕是永远的答案……放手,寻找宁静,释放自己!
25.If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.如果你不能和你爱的人在一起,那么就爱和你在一起的那个人。
26.People skills – I think the main one: ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS AND LISTENING. 交际能力——我认为主要的一点是:问恰当的问题和倾听。
27.You don’t need an MBA, but take some courses or read some books on finance, economics, financial planning, investments (real estate, stock market), and accounting. Don’t buy stuff you don’t need. Don’t spend more than you make. Don’t let your money manage you.你不需要去读MBA,但是要参加一些金融、经济、财务规划、投资(房地产、股票市场)、会计方面的课程或者读一些这些方面的书。不要买不需要的东西。不要入不敷出。不要让你的金钱来掌控你。
28.It is your life, your body and mind. Without necessarily getting a Ph.D. in nutrition, increase minimal culinary skills, accumulate some basic nutritional knowledge, and start experimenting immediately with what works for you. Also concentrate on keeping your body active. Escape from confinement in automobiles and office desks and move around.这就是你的生活,你的身体和头脑。你不一定非要去获得营养学的博士学位,你可以提高最简单的烹饪技巧,积累一些基本的营养知识,立即开始实验一些对你有效的东西。同时也注意保持身体活力。不要太依赖汽车和办公桌,多出去转转。
29.We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future.我们都会犯错误、有挣扎,甚至为过去的事情感到后悔。但你并不是错误,也不是挣扎,你现在正拥有力量去塑造你的每一天和未来。
30.Smile! Let everyone know that today you are a lot stronger than you were yesterday… and you will be.微笑!让每个人都知道今天的你比昨天的你更加强大,而且你将会越来越强。