Negotiations on Iran's nuclear program have beenextended until July 7, U.S. officials said Tuesday.The announcement came during continuingdiscussions in Vienna, Austria.
The negotiations were to end June 30.
Also Tuesday, U.S. President Barack Obama said thatthe United States would "walk away" from a possiblenuclear deal with Iran if he is not certain it wouldblock Iran's path to building a nuclear weapon.
US, Brazil to work together on climate change
President Obama and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff met at the White House Tuesday. Theydiscussed new plans to reduce carbon emissions ahead of the United Nations conference onclimate change. The international gathering will take place in December in Paris.
Both countries pledged to increase the use of renewable energy to 20 percent of nationalelectricity production by 2030. Brazil also promised to fight illegal destruction of forests.
China announces climate target for Paris deal
China also announced on Tuesday its contribution to a global climate deal.
Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang spoke during a visit to the French capital. He said China willaim to reduce its emissions by at least 60 percent by 2030 from 2005 levels.
Ebola returns to Liberia
A 17-year-old boy has died in Liberia from the disease Ebola. The World Health Organizationdeclared the country free of the virus seven weeks ago. Officials are trying to learn how the boybecame infected.
A health official in Liberia told VOA the boy died June 24 and was given a safe burial the nextday.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie enters presidential race
The governor of the U.S. state of New Jersey announced Tuesday that he is seeking theRepublican Party nomination for president. Chris Christie promised to make what he called "anoble effort to try to lead our country and to change the world."
Governor Christie is the 14th candidate for the Republican Party nomination. Americans willchoose a president in November of next year.