英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 21:08:57




  An American grand jury ruling has resulted in newviolence in the city of Ferguson, Missouri. Thejurors decided not to charge a white police officerwho shot and killed an unarmed African Americanteenager last August. The decision was announcedlate Monday -- more than three months after theshooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown. His death ledto weeks of angry demonstrations and riots inFerguson.
  The grand jury had 12 members -- all privatecitizens. Their job was to decide whether criminalcharges should be brought against police officer Darren Wilson. The grand jury decided therewas not probable cause to charge him in the death of Michael Brown.
  Bob McCulloch is a lawyer for the Saint Louis County government.
  "They determined that no probable cause exists to file any charge against officer Wilson andreturned a no true bill on each of the five indictments."
  Mr. McCulloch said the police officer claimed he was hit by Michael Brown, and that theystruggled. He said witnesses told the grand jury that the teenager took aggressive actionagainst the officer.
  "He (Michael Brown) came at him at a full charge, and that as Officer Wilson fired shots at him,Mr. Brown stopped and Officer Wilson stopped shooting. And as Mr. Brown started charging athim again, those were his words, his testimony, Mr. Wilson started shooting again."
  After the grand jury decision was announced, President Barack Obama spoke at the WhiteHouse. He called for calm and appealed to police to show care and restraint in controllingpeaceful protest.
  "I join Michael's parents in asking that anyone who protests this decision do so peacefully."
  But the reaction was anything but peaceful back in Missouri. A crowd gathered near theheadquarters of the Ferguson Police Department. Police officers used smoke and tear gas tobreak up the demonstration. Some protesters reacted by setting fire to police cars andthrowing objects at officers.
  Saint Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said the protesters set fire to more than 10buildings, and that most were destroyed.
  "Those are businesses that may never come back. So, frankly, I'm heartbroken about that. Nowthe good news is, we have not fired a shot. As far as I know, we don't have any serious injuriesto police officers. They (got) banged up a little bit with rocks. One lieutenant from the patrol gothit in the head with a glass bottle. But we don't have any serious injuries, and as far as I know,we haven't caused any serious injuries tonight."
  The police chief said officers arrested nearly 30 people during the unrest.
  U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said the federal government continues to investigate theshooting. He said federal investigations are exploring whether the Ferguson Police Departmentis involved in unconstitutional activities.
  Mr. Holder called the death of Michael Brown a "tragedy." In his words, "far more must be doneto create enduring trust" between law enforcement and the communities they serve.
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