英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:20:13


        对喜欢吃辣的人来说,有一款来自贵州的风味辣酱一定并不陌生。它(她)外表朴实无华,内心热情火辣。它在你童年时代就已经熟识,它陪伴你度过每一个宅家泡面的日子,抚慰你每一次食欲不佳的筵席。它让你拙劣的厨艺大添光彩,单调的饮食乐趣十足……老干妈通过亚马逊漂洋过海,用舌尖的愉悦征服了美利坚人民。她还有一个洋气的新名字:愤怒女士辣酱(Angry Lady Sauce)。
        老干妈美国网站变奢侈品 英文翻译成“教母”?>>>
        Hands down, Chinese company Lao Gan Ma makes the most sophisticated, toothsome hot sauce we've ever tasted. Seriously, don't be fooled by the grumpy-looking lady on the jar! The deeply caramelized chilies, garlic, onions, fermented soybeans and peanuts give this chili paste unbelievable layers of flavor and texture, while Sichuan peppercorns add a mouth-tingling zip...无可否认,中国出产的老干妈牌辣酱堪称我们吃过的最滋味丰富、最可口的辣酱。说真的,别被瓶罐上满脸皱纹的老妇人图片所误导!深炸过的焦黄色辣椒、大蒜、洋葱,拌之以大豆和花生,这一切使这种辣酱具有无以伦比的味觉层次感和口感,再加上一点四川胡椒,刺激你的味蕾……
        This chilli sauce certainly adds a lot of flavor to dishes. It goes literally with everything, ramen, dumplings, noodles, rice dishes, and tons of other stuff.这款辣酱可以给一顿饭增添无穷滋味。它简直可以和任何一种食品搭配:拉面、饺子、面条、米饭,还有成百上千种其他食品。

        1.I loves me my Angry Woman Sauce! I have no idea if this is authentic but it just tastes "Chinese" to me. Can't get enough and confess to eating right out of the bottle or finding something, anything, to use as a "delivery mechanism". Yum!我超爱老干妈辣酱!我不能确证它的味道是否就是原汁原味的“中国味”,但我认为就是如此!我对它爱不释口,可以直接从罐子里舀着吃,或者把其他任何食物当作“输送装置”就着吃,超美味!
        2.I have at least 20 different hot sauces, this is by far the best one. It's been described as sophisticated- I'd agree. There chili oil, bean and chili flakes and peanuts, which work together perfectly. The spice level is also great- not the lasting habanero style burn, but more of a warm smooth heat.我已经吃过了20多种不同的辣酱,这是目前为止我最喜欢的一种。亚马逊网站称它“滋味丰富”——我非常赞同。在这种辣酱里,辣油、大豆、辣椒末和花生绝妙的融为一体。辣度也十分恰当——不是中南美洲辣椒夏宾奴那种火烧火燎、久久不绝的辣,而更像是一种温暖的、柔和的、有热度的辣。
        3.This stuff is dangerously addictive. You've been warned. I wanted something similar to what I got at the Szechuan restaurant. Well I then came across this and was please with the reviews then purchased two jars. SO GLAD I DID. It does have some tiny peanut pieces that are crispy toasty, yum. The heat is very notable and smooth. It is quite salty, also. Great condiment!这是一种即危险又具吸引力的味道,我警告过你了哦!我想要找到和我在四川餐馆里品尝过的味道相似的滋味。我无意间在网上看到这种辣酱,觉得买家评价很令人满意,就买了两罐。我很庆幸自己这样做了。里面有小粒的花生,又脆又好吃。那种辣味也值得一提,有热度而且柔和,而且富有滋味。确实是佐餐佳品!
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