俄罗斯:连续深蹲30次 免费乘地铁
Get ready to drop down and give 30 squats if you want to ride the Moscow metro.想在莫斯科乘地铁?准备好弯下膝盖做30个深蹲吧!
In an effort to promote both the upcoming Winter Olympic Games in Sochi and physical fitness, Moscow city officials and the Russian Olympic Committee are allowing subway riders to pay 30 squats instead of 30 rubles (about 92 cents) for a trip on the train.一则为了宣传即将在俄罗斯城市索契举办的冬奥会、二则为了宣传全民健身,莫斯科市政当局和俄罗斯奥委会决定,市民只要做30个深蹲就可以免去30卢布的车费,免费乘坐地铁。
Riders perform the squats in front of a special machine which can tell if the person is in the correct position. The machine is located right next to the electronic vending machines at a station in western Moscow.乘客们要在一台特殊的机器上做深蹲,这台机器能识别使用者的姿势是否正确。这部特殊的机器现被放置在莫斯科西部的一个地铁站里,正摆在电子售票机的旁边。
"We wanted to show that the Olympic Games is not just an international competition that people watch on TV, but that it is also about getting everyone involved in a sporting lifestyle," Alexander Zhukov, president of the Russian Olympic Committee, said to Russian state news wire RIA-Novosti.俄奥委会主席亚历山大·朱可夫对俄罗斯新闻社记者说:“我们想要展示的是,奥运会不仅仅是人们在电视上观看的国际竞赛,奥运会也传达着这样一种理念,即每个人都应该经常锻炼,有健康的生活方式。”
The task isn't so simple, according to some people who dared to try it out.据那些大胆尝试的人称,30个深蹲并不是轻而易举的事情。
"It was hard at first but I managed it," Lyudmila, a young woman who tried out the machine, told AFP. "Two minutes is enough time."“一开始感觉很难,但我最终做到了,”一位在机器上尝试了30个深蹲的青年女性柳德米拉对法新社记者说,“两分钟就足够了。”
The Russian Olympic Committee has been offering several physical challenges to the public in order to promote a healthier lifestyle, AFP reported. Other events have included turning handles hanging on buses into exercise bands and providing bikes that can create electricity to charge cell phones. The goal is to "add elements of sport into daily life."据法新社报道,俄奥委会为了宣传更健康的生活方式,已经对公众提供了多种体育类的挑战活动。除了30个深蹲乘地铁的活动之外,还有把公共汽车上的吊环换成锻炼肌肉的阻力带,对市民提供可发电、为手机充电的自行车等等。这些活动的目标是“在日常生活中添加运动元素”。
The option for squat payment will be available throughout the month of November.在整个11月份期间,市民都可以选择用做深蹲来付地铁车费。