英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:20:07

听妈妈唱歌 萌宝宝感动到泪流满面

        In his hey-day popstar Rod Stewart had thousands of girls screaming and crying at his concerts.作为世界上最出色的摇滚歌手之一,洛·史都华最负盛名的时候,成千上万的女孩儿会在他的演唱会上又哭又喊,声嘶力竭。
        And years later his emotive power still prevails as a little girl cries and laughs when her mother sings one of his 1988 hits to her.数年之后,一位妈妈对女儿唱起史都华1988年创作的流行歌曲时,小婴儿又哭又笑,可见史都华影响力犹在。
        A video capturing the moment was posted on YouTube and shows the 10-month-old baby going through a range of emotions as her mother sings My Heart Can't Tell You No.这个场景被拍摄下来发到了YouTube网站上,视频中这个10个月大的小婴儿听到妈妈唱史都华经典歌曲《我心无法拒绝你》,轮番表现出各种表情反应。

        It starts with the smiling baby sitting in a baby chair as her mother asks: 'Do you want mummy to sing a song? Let me know how you feel about this song.'在视频的开始,宝宝微笑着坐在婴儿椅里,妈妈问她道:“你想听妈妈唱首歌吗?让妈妈知道你对这首歌有什么感觉。”
        As the mother begins to sing the baby looks bemused and then breaks into a wide smile as she continues.妈妈唱起歌来时,宝宝看起来似乎沉醉其中,歌声继续,她脸上露出大大的笑容。
        But then her eyes start to fill up with tears and her face grimaces.但是接着,她的眼中开始盈满泪水,脸上作出痛苦的表情。
        Salty tears round down her cheeks into her mouth and she pauses to tastes them before looking more distraught.咸咸的泪珠从她的脸颊上滚落到她的嘴里,她似乎尝了一下泪水的味道,然后看起来更悲伤了。

        But just as suddenly she then smiles widely and looks as if she is enjoying the song again.但是忽然间,她又露出了大大的笑容,似乎又开始喜欢这首歌了。
        When the mother finishes and tells the little girl 'It's just a song,' she then laughs contently.妈妈已经唱完了,她对小女孩说:“这只是首歌而已。” 然后小宝宝满意的笑了。
        One user wrote under the video: 'Absolutely beautiful! She is precious. I remember doing something similar, but I wasn't as young as ten months, probably more like two years. My mom would sing me lullabies in bed and I would just cry and cry because I was overwhelmed by it all.'一个网友在视频下面的评论中写道:“真是太有爱了!宝宝太可爱了。我记得我也做过类似的事情,但我那时并不像这个宝宝才十个月大,可能已经两岁大了吧。我躺在摇篮里,我的妈妈会给我唱摇篮曲,我会不停的哭啊哭。我完全被那首歌感动了。”
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