A nine-week-old baby has become Britain's youngest ever beauty queen.一个九周大的小婴儿成为了英国最小的选美皇后。
Ella Oliver's mother Jenny, 27, entered her into the Miss Natural Sparkle UK contest before she was even born.艾拉·奥利弗的母亲、现年27岁的珍妮,在宝宝尚未出生时就为她报名参加了英国自然闪耀小姐选美大赛。
Mother-of-three Jenny, from Blackpool, was seven months pregnant - and knew she was carrying a girl - when she sat down to register her unborn baby into the competition.身为三个孩子母亲的珍妮来自布莱克浦,当她怀孕7个月——并且知道她腹中的孩子是女孩的时候——她为这个尚未出世的孩子报名参加了比赛。
Ella was born by caesarean on July 23 and just 68 days later her doting mother dressed her up and carried her down the catwalk to be judged.珍妮于7月23日剖腹产下了艾拉,而在小婴儿出生68天后,一心想要女儿选美的珍妮抱着被她精心打扮好的女儿参加了比赛。
Jenny wanted Ella to follow in the footsteps of sister Jess, seven, who takes to the stage kitted out with make-up.珍妮希望艾拉和她的姐姐洁丝一样。7岁的洁丝已经可以面带妆容在舞台上展现自己。
Former child minder Jenny, who paid £10 to enter Ella, said: 'I didn't put any make-up on Ella because she is too young for that, so she was natural. She wore a really pretty pink dress and head band, she even smiled for the judges. She didn't have to do a talent or show confidence because she can't walk or talk so I think it was judged on cuteness. I don't know if Ella wants to do pageants but I don't think it will damage her.'珍妮曾经从事儿童护理的相关工作。她为艾拉付了10英镑的报名费,说:“我没有给艾拉涂任何化妆品,她还太小了。所以她表现的完全是天然的一面。她穿着一件非常可爱的粉红裙子,头上戴着一条发带,对着评委们微笑。她不需要进行才艺展示或者表现自信,因为她还不能走路或说话。但我想评委看重的是她天然的可爱。我不知道艾拉以后是否想参加选美比赛,但我觉得这并不会伤害到她。”
Pint-sized Ella was crowned with her first sash and tiara.才一丁点儿大的艾拉被授予冠军的荣誉,第一次带上了选美冠军的绶带和桂冠。
Despite coming under fire from fellow parents, Jenny and mechanic husband Steve, 29, will continue to chaperone their daughters to pageants across the country.虽然受到其他许多父母的质疑,珍妮和丈夫——29岁的机械师史蒂夫,还将会带女儿参加全国各地的选美比赛。
They have already been to 10 different contests and spent more than £2,000 pounds on dresses, shoes, travel, hotels and accessories in the past three years on Jess.在过去三年里,他们已经带着洁丝参加了十个选美比赛,在衣服、鞋子、交通、住宿和装饰品上花费了超过两千英镑的费用。
Leanne Woodall, Miss Natural Sparkle organiser, said: 'Because beauty pageants are a family event and the whole family like to be involved we decided to introduce just one round for newborns this year. Parents dressed their babies up in little dresses or suits. It was judged on cute factor and Ella won. We thought she looked adorable in a little pink dress and head band. She was presented with a sash and crown. It's something nice for her family to keep and show her when she is older.'“自然闪耀小姐大赛”组织者琳恩·伍德奥说:“选美是一种全家参与的活动,所有家庭成员都想要参与其中,所以今年我们决定增加一轮婴儿选美环节。许多家长带着身穿小礼服、小西装的婴儿前来参赛。评判标准仅仅是可爱,我们觉得穿着粉红小裙、戴着发带的艾拉可爱极了。她的奖品是一顶桂冠和一条绶带。她的家人可以为她将奖品珍藏起来,等她长大后拿出来给她看,那将非常有趣。”