夫妻婚后第3年最幸福 第5年是道坎
According to a new study by U.K. law firm Slater & Gordon, married couples are happiest in their third year of marriage.根据英国斯莱特-戈登律师事务所的一项研究结果显示,夫妻二人在婚后第三年最幸福。
Researchers polled 2,000 people and determined that a couple's first year of marriage was typically filled with post-wedding happiness, and the second year of marriage was dedicated to getting to know each one another.该所向2000人发送了调查问卷,结果表明,夫妻两人婚后第一年往往还沉浸在婚礼的幸福感中,婚后第二年是两人努力了解对方的时期。
The third year was found to be the happiest time in a couple's marriage, which the researchers attribute to becoming comfortable within the relationship and starting to plan a family. Couples were also used to sharing finances by their third year together.婚后第三年是婚姻中最为幸福的一年。研究者认为,这是因为此时双方已经适应了夫妻关系并且开始计划组建家庭。婚后第三年也是夫妇开始共同理财的一年。
After the third year, however, couples begin facing more serious challenges. The couples polled reported that the fifth year of marriage was a difficult one due to tiredness, increased workloads, and for some couples, children.然而第三年之后,夫妻就要开始面对更加难以应付的挑战。参与调查的夫妇表示,由于厌倦情绪、工作负担增加、子女抚养等种种问题,婚后第五年是一道难坎。
Researchers also found that most couples who successfully made it through the first seven years of marriage were more likely to have a long, happy and lasting union.研究者也发现,能成功地度过最初七年的夫妻将更有可能共同走完幸福的一生。
This isn't the first study to look at married couples' happiness levels. In December 2012, a study found that people who had been married for more than 40 years were actually happier than newlyweds. And a recent study out of the U.K. found that being married is more important than money and owning a home when it comes to happiness.对夫妻幸福指数进行的调查研究,这并不是第一次。2012年12月的一项研究发现,婚姻生活超过40年的夫妻比新婚夫妻更加幸福。最近另一项来自英国的研究表明,婚姻比金钱、家庭更能给人带来幸福感。