英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:19:46


        When Clark Kent wanted to transform into Superman, it was a fairly simple task. He would step into a phone box, spin around and the switch would be complete.当克拉克-肯特想要变身超人时,对他来说轻而易举。他会踏入一间电话亭,转动全身,然后就变身成功了。
        But Herbert Chavez's change into the comic book hero has taken a bit longer - through 19 plastic surgeries over 16 years.但赫伯特-查韦斯变身漫画书英雄之路要漫长许多——他经历了16年共19次整容手术。
        The 35-year-old, from Calamba City, Philippines, has had nose jobs, skin whitening, lip liposuction, jaw realignment, pec implants and even abdominal implants to become a real-life Clarke Kent after falling in love with the TV programme aged five.这位来自菲律宾卡兰巴的35岁男子为了变成真正的克拉克-肯特,做了隆鼻、皮肤漂白、唇部抽脂、下巴调整、隆胸甚至是隆腹手术,他从五岁开始就爱上了超人系列电影。
        He has splashed around 300,000 Pesos (£4,400) on his obsession - a fortune compared to the average 90p hourly wage in the Philippines.为了满足自己对超人的迷恋,他花费了大约30万比索(约4400英镑)——鉴于菲律宾的平均时薪为90比索,这算得上是一笔巨大的财产了。
        Mr Chavez regularly takes to the streets around his home dressed in full Superman regalia, with his hair gelled in distinctive curly fashion. He aims to teach kids good morals while also brightening their days.查韦斯定期身着超人服、用发胶把头发做成独特的卷曲造型,走上街头巡视。他的目的是去教导孩子们一些好的道德品质,同时让他们的生活更有趣。

        He said: 'I feel like a Superhero whenever I pull on the costume, but my mission is not to save the world but to help in my own small way and bring a smile to the faces of local children.他说:“每当我穿上超人服,就觉得自己是个超级英雄,但是我的使命并不是去拯救世界,而是以我的自己的小举动去帮助别人,给当地的孩子们带来欢笑。”
        'I don't have any regrets at all. People come up to me in the street all the time and want their picture taken with me.They are all really excited to see a real-life Superman in the Philippines.“(对于整容)我毫不后悔,街上的人们总会涌过来想要跟我合影。他们对于能在菲律宾见到一个活生生的超人很是兴奋。”
        But his distinctive look has not come easily, with Herbert going under the knife repeatedly to copy every last feature of the super hero he worships.And Mr Chavez admits it is tasking trying to keep up with such a 'perfect' person.但是他独特的样貌来之不易,赫伯特经历了多次手术,去复制偶像超级英雄的每一个特征。而且他承认想做这样一个“完美”的人是一件艰巨的任务。
        He added: 'If you talk about super heroes, the expectation of people is that they are flawless, they do not get hurt, they do not die. But as human beings, we can only copy their looks. '他还补充道:“如果谈到超级英雄,人们总认为是完美无暇的,他们不会受伤,不会死。但是作为一个普通人,我们只能复制他们的样子。”
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