英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:19:44

74岁失明老人培育花海 用心感受美好

        With nearly two dozen beautiful hanging baskets sporting a stunning array of coloured begonias, Joe Robinson's garden is the envy of his neghbours.拥有差不多24盆种着惊艳、五彩缤纷的海棠花的美丽挂篮,乔罗宾森的花园一直都被邻居们嫉妒着。
        But while the 74-year-old's efforts draw compliments from friends and complete strangers, Joe will never see the fruits of his labours - he is completely blind.然而尽管这位74岁老人的努力得到了朋友甚至是陌生人的赞叹,乔永远都看不到自己劳动的果实——他完全失明了。
        Joe lost his sight completely after developing an eye condition 20 years ago but his green-fingers didn't lose their touch.乔的眼睛20年前出现问题后,完全失去了视力,但是他“勤劳爱植物”的双手却不想失去触碰绿叶的机会。
        He creates his pride and joy in the village of Crook, County Durham, using only his sense of smell and touch and has even won awards for his efforts.他在英国达勒姆郡的克鲁克乡村里创造了自己的骄傲和快乐,而且是只凭借嗅觉和触觉就做到了,他的努力还使他得了一些奖。

        Former factory worker Joe said: 'When I became totally blind it never occurred to me to stop - although I can’t see what I’m doing, I work by sense of touch and smell.乔以前是一位工厂工人,他说:“当我完全失明以后,从没有想过停止,尽管我不能看到我做的事,但我可以依靠触觉和嗅觉。”
        'At first I did worry I wouldn’t be able to grow things so well but people come from all over to see the garden, we even had a couple from New Zealand drop in recently.'“起初我确实担心过我可能不能再好好种东西了,不过人们从各地过来欣赏花园,最近还有一对来自新西兰的夫妇拜访我们。”
        Joe's wife Heather is allergic to flowers so is unable to help in the garden, but the couple's grandson Jamie hangs the baskets and helps tidy the garden.乔的妻子希瑟对花过敏,因此她无法帮忙照料花园,但是这对老夫妇的孙子杰米会帮助挂花篮以及清理花园。
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