英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:19:19


        Coca Cola has used their familiar and distinctive curved script since 1887. And since the 1920s their famous logo has been placed on a red background on the company's classic cola.自1887年起,可口可乐就一直使用我们现在熟悉的标志性流线签字体商标。20世纪20年代之后,红色成为这家公司经典可乐商标的固定背景色。
        But the soda brand is now going green, at least in Argentina. The drinks giant has launched Coca Cola Life, which is sweetened with sugar and the naturally occurring, no-calorie sweetener stevia.但在阿根廷,这一汽水品牌有了新颖的绿色包装。食品巨头可口可乐公司推出新品“生命可口可乐系列”,使用白糖和不含卡路里的天然甜叶菊作为甜味剂。
        The new product features a striking green label and is packaged in the award-winning PlantBottle. This is made with 30 percent plant material and is fully recyclable.这款新品有醒目的绿色标签和饮料瓶,这款瓶身设计曾获过“PlantBottle”大奖。瓶子材质中含有30%的植物原料,完全可回收利用。

        Coca Cola says the bottle 'looks, functions and recycles just like traditional PET plastic, but does so with a lighter footprint on the planet and its scarce resources.'可口可乐公司表示:“这种瓶子的外观、功能以及回收利用都与传统的PET塑料瓶一样,只是所用资源更少,全球碳足迹更轻更环保。”
        The new drink has 108 calories in a 600 milliliter bottle - between classic Coke with 250 calories and the zero-calorie Diet Coke.一瓶600毫升的新款饮料中只含有108卡路里,介于250卡路里的传统可乐和零卡路里的健怡可乐之间。
        'Coca-Cola Life is the first soda from the Coca-Cola family that is naturally sweetened with sugar and Stevia, which adds to our portfolio a delicious taste with a proposed low in calories,' Coca-Cola stated on its Argentinean website.可口可乐公司在阿根廷的公司主页上写道:“生命可口可乐系列是可口可乐家族第一款使用白糖和甜叶菊作为甜味素的苏打水饮料,让本产品在保持自然甘甜的同时降低卡路里含量。”
        The world's largest soda company has used stevia in 45 products, such as Vitaminwater Zero and Fanta Select, but never in its flagship cola.作为全球最大的汽水公司,可口可乐公司在其45种产品(如维他命水和芬达系列)都使用了甜叶菊,但在招牌可乐产品上使用还是第一次。

        There is no date for introducing the product elsewhere. Company executives at a news conference in Buenos Aires likened the launch with the 2005 debut of Coca-Cola Zero, which was first introduced in Australia and later sold elsewhere.目前尚未定下新品可乐销往其他地区的确切时间。公司主管在布宜诺斯艾利斯的新闻发布会上,将其比作了2005年推出的新品零度可乐。零度可乐最先在澳大利亚出售,之后销往全球。
        Consumer Edge Research analyst Bill Pecoriello said a global roll out seemed likely because it would also preempt PepsiCo's sweetener innovation.消费者前沿研究分析师比尔说这个新产品将销往世界各地,还会领先于百事可乐公司的甜味素革新进程。
        Coke and Pepsi have been using stevia, a plant native to Paraguay, in drinks for years, but mostly in noncarbonated, fruit-flavored drinks. As recently as May, PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi said stevia did not work well in colas, even though Pepsi Next in Australia uses stevia.甜叶菊原产巴拉圭,多年来可口可乐和百事可乐公司都在使用它作为甜味素,但大多只用于水果口味的非碳酸饮料里。直到五月,百事可乐公司CEO卢英德还说把甜叶菊加到可乐里并不好喝——即使澳大利亚的一款百事可乐里加的就是甜叶菊。
        可口可乐换包装卖萌 小萝莉白富美天然呆各种有
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