英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:19:18


        Marilyn Monroe standing above a subway grating with her crisp white dress blowing up is one of the most well-recognised movie scenes of the 20th Century.玛丽莲-梦露站在地铁通风口处,一阵狂风把她白色的裙摆掀起,这曾是20世纪电影里的一个经典桥段。
        The famous moment in the 1955 film The Seven Year Itch is now regarded as an icon of film history.出自1955年上映的经典电影《七年之痒》的这个著名时刻,被看做是电影历史上的一个象征。
        The Japanese are paying homage to the star in the form of a multicoloured rice field artwork.日本人用各色水稻在水田中绘出巨型图画,以此向这位明星致敬。

        The image of Marilyn Monroe is made from nine rice species with seven different colors has popped up on a rice filed in Inakadatemura, Aomori prefecture, northern Japan.It is part of a famous exhibition in the area.日本青森县田舍馆村,当地农民用9个品种的水稻种出7种颜色组成了玛丽莲-梦露稻田画。这是该地区一个著名展览的一部分。
        Visitors flock to the rice field in northeastern Japan to see the breathtaking artworks stretching across the landscape at the exhibition which runs until mid-August.大批游客来到位于日本东北部的这片稻田,前来观赏巨大的美轮美奂的艺术作品。观赏期到8月中旬左右结束。
        The village began the exhibition 21 years ago to attract tourists.This year two giant murals, depicting a traditional Japanese courtesan and iconic Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe, are drawing large crowds to the field.该村早在21年前就开始举行这项展览来吸引游客。今年展出的两幅巨大稻田画,分别是美国女演员玛丽莲·梦露和日本花魁的形象,吸引了大批游客纷至沓来。

        The villagers used nine kinds of rice plants in seven colors to fashion the artworks on the field, which is 140 meters long and 100 meters wide.村民们在田里种植了七种不同颜色九个品种的水稻植株勾勒出这些图案,长140米宽100米。
        Monroe's famous pose was recaptured again back in 2010 in the form on a 26 foot statue called called Forever Marilyn by artist Seward Johnson. 梦露著名的姿势曾在2010年回归,艺术家苏厄德-约翰逊创作了一个梦露的雕塑,高达26英尺(约为7.29米),命名为“永恒的梦露”。
        In the adjacent field sits a stunning artwork of a Japanese courtesan complete with intricate dress and flowers.附近的田地里,一幅穿着精美衣裳头戴鲜花的艺妓作品也给人带来一种惊艳的感觉。
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查看完整版本: 惊艳!日本稻田种出梦露经典造型