英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:19:06


        With 2,746 confirmed kills, Sgt. 1st Class Dillard Johnson is the deadliest American soldier on record. As a commander of a Bradley Fighting Vehicle nicknamed “Carnivore,” he helped lead the ground assault during Operation Iraqi Freedom.一级中士迪拉德-约翰逊是美军有记录的“最致命神枪手”,曾击毙过2746人。迪拉德曾经是昵称为“食肉动物”的布拉德利战车指挥官,参加过“伊拉克自由行动”地面作战。
        Johnson, 48, grew up in Island, Ky., hanging out in strip mines and hunting deer with his daddy’s gun. His first kill came at the tender age of 13, when he nailed a six-point buck with a .22-caliber rifle.现年48岁的迪拉德在美国肯塔基州艾兰德市长大,从小就经常拿着父亲的猎枪去露天矿场打鹿。第一次打猎成功是在13岁时使用22口径步枪打死一只公鹿。
        In high school, he joined the ROTC, and in 1986, he joined the Army, fulfilling a childhood dream.高中时期,约翰逊加入了预备役军官培训团。1986年他正式加入美国陆军,实现了儿童时期的梦想。
        Johnson arrived at his total by counting the number of rifles and dead bodies he found after his tank engaged the enemy. He would jot down the numbers in a journal he kept during the war.在战争时期,约翰逊每次战斗结束后,都要驾驶坦克在战场之间,通过清点步枪和尸体人头计算杀人数目,然后记录在日记中。
        “I killed when I needed to . . . I was brutal when I needed to be, but I was compassionate when I needed to be,” he said. “In my mind, I never killed anyone who wasn’t trying to kill me or trying to do harm.”约翰逊说:“我只在需要时才杀人……我只有在不得以时才变得残忍,但我同样也富有怜悯之心。在我印象中,我射杀的人全都试图要杀死我,我从未错杀无辜。”

        He has a bullet permanently lodged in his leg, and the battlefield left him with a new enemy to fight — Stage 3 Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He believes he developed the cancer from inhaling particles from armor-piercing depleted uranium (DU) shells, but he has no regrets.约翰逊曾在一次战斗中腿部中弹,而那颗子弹无法取出,永远留在了腿中,这是战争留给他的新敌人——第三期霍奇金淋巴瘤。因为在战场吸入贫铀弹穿甲壳释放出的有害颗粒,他患上了癌症。但约翰逊从未后悔。
        These days, Johnson lives in Daytona Beach, Fla., is married with four kids and works as a consultant for an ammunition company. He doesn’t display his accolades or wartime souvenirs — not even the Iraq flag he took off Saddam Hussein’s limousine.他目前住在福罗里达州戴顿纳海滩,已婚有四个孩子,为一家弹药公司担任顾问。他不愿展示他的奖状和展示纪念品(其中包括他从萨达姆-侯赛因轿车中取下的伊拉克国旗)。
        And he’s given up hunting, preferring to surf with his 13-year-old son.他也放弃打猎,更愿带着13岁的儿子去冲浪。
        In his memoir, also titled “Carnivore”, which goes on sale Tuesday, he quotes Hemingway: “Those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never really care for anything else thereafter.”与其战车同名的回忆录《食肉动物》本周二公开发行。约翰逊在书中引用了海明威的话:“没有任何一种狩猎能跟捕猎活人相比。只要猎过握有武器的人,喜欢上之后,就不会再钟情任何别的事物。”
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查看完整版本: 美军最致命神枪手:曾在伊拉克射杀2746人