英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:18:59

迪拜公主塔电梯故障 富豪要爬97层楼回家

        Homeowners living in the world's tallest residential skyscraper are having to climb up more than 1,300ft of steps - the equivalent of walking one-third of the way up Ben Nevis - after all the lifts broke down.世界最高住宅大楼电梯全部故障,楼里的住户们不得不爬了1300多英尺高(396多米高)的台阶才回到了家中,要知道这相当于爬了英伦三岛最高峰本尼维斯山三分之一的路程。
        Princess Tower in Dubai, which stands at 1,355ft tall with 97 above-ground residential floors, has been named the tallest residential building in the world Guinness World Records.迪拜公主塔高达1355英尺(约为414米),地上居民楼有97层,是吉尼斯世界纪录认证的世界上最高的住宅大楼。
        But residents living in the luxurious tower block - many of whom are British - have been told they have 'no choice' but to walk up to their flats, some on the 97th floor, after all eight lifts in the building broke down last week.但上周,这座奢华住宅楼的住户却被告知,因为大楼里的8部电梯全部出现故障,他们没得选择必须得爬楼回家。楼里的住户有不少是英国人,有一些住户住在顶楼97层。
        Princess Tower boasts 763 luxury apartments as well as eight giant stores and overlooks the Palm Jumeirah, the manmade 'palm island' where David Beckham and Brad Pitt are said to have bought luxury pads.公主塔有763个豪华公寓,8个超大的商店,从公主塔可以俯瞰贾米拉棕榈岛,据悉英国球星贝克汉姆和美国演员布拉德·皮特都有在这座著名的人造岛屿上买地。
        But after a persistent water leak, the owners of Princess Towers have shut down all of its eight lifts. Emergency repairs are ongoing after the problems began last week - leaving penthouse owners who paid £2million plus for their flats forced to take the stairs.由于楼里持续漏水,公主塔的所有者不得不关掉了全部8座电梯。从上周开始公主塔就在进行持续紧急抢修,顶层公寓的住户们不得不走楼梯回家,他们可是花了至少200万英镑才买下的公寓。

        Flat owners have today been told that a solitary 'service elevator' is available for 'limited' trips to the 50th floor - but anyone living above that level will still have to walk the rest of the way.6月17日,公寓住户被告知一座单独的服务电梯可以送住户去50层,运送次数有限。而住在50楼以上的住户剩下的楼层还是得自己步行。
        Bosses at the skyscraper - owned by Tameer estates - say the flooding was caused by water from the 'fire protection system' and that a 'faulty fire hose' was to blame. Water from the hose got into the residents' lift shafts, flooding them and causing them to be shut down.公主塔所属的泰玛尔房地产公司表示,消防系统系统漏水导致楼层里到处都是水,主要是消防水龙带出了故障。消防水龙带里的水流进了电梯井,电梯全被淹了只能全部关闭。
        One resident, who lives on the 78th floor, said: 'I came home after a hard day of work and was told I'd have to walk to my apartment on the 78th floor. I truly couldn't believe it - there was no way I was walking all that distance so I just booked myself into a hotel.'一位住在78层的住户抱怨说:“辛苦工作一天我累得要死的回家,结果被告知要自己步行到家,我简直不敢相信。这么远我根本走不回去,所以我就住在酒店里了。”
        The 47-year-old, who left the UK two years ago to take a job in Dubai, added: 'They need to get this fixed pronto - I can't afford a hotel every night.'这位47岁的住户两年前离开英国来到迪拜工作,还说道:“他们得赶紧修好,每晚住酒店我可付不起啊。”
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