英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:18:57


        What would you do if your cymbal broke right in the middle of your school band’s performance of the “Star Spangled Banner?” Would you panic a little? Would you look helplessly at your classmates? Would you turn and salute the flag until the song was finished?如果在学校乐队演奏国歌《星条旗永不落》时你的铙钹突然断掉,你会怎么做?你会有点惊慌吗?你会无助地看向你的同学吗?你会转向国旗敬礼,直到曲子结束吗?
        A performance of the “Star Spangled Banner” at the Red & White concert turned hilarious earlier this month when the cymbal player suffered an unfortunate accident during the song. After his cymbal breaks and crashes to the ground, the kid is left with one cymbal and no idea what to do next.本月早些时候红白音乐会上,国歌《星条旗永不落》的演出变得非常欢乐,因为铜钹乐手不幸遭遇意外事件。小男孩的铙钹断掉并掉在地上,这个孩子手里只有了一片钹,并不知道接下来怎么做。
        So, he did the only thing that he could do. He turns and salutes the flag.所以他做了唯一能做的事情:他转头面向国旗敬礼。

        It was awkward, it was awesome, it was hilarious, and it almost caused his fellow band mates to crack up mid-performance.很尴尬,很赞,也很欢乐,这一幕几乎让他的乐队同伴在演出中笑出声来。
        Surprisingly, the kid’s awkward salute isn’t even the funniest part of the video.令人惊讶的是,这个孩子的尴尬敬礼并不是视频中最搞笑的部分。
        The girl playing the drums (who nearly falls down laughing after her classmate salutes the flag) has a pretty wide swing with her drum mallet. The boy on the snare notices that he’s about two inches away from getting a drum stick to the eye and performs a sly sidestep mid-song.打鼓的女孩(差点在她同学向国旗敬礼时笑得跌倒)的鼓槌摆动幅度非常大,在旁边两英尺左右的男孩差点被鼓槌敲到眼睛,并在音乐间隙狡猾的躲开一步。
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