英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:18:47

拒绝近亲结婚 冰岛大学生开发“防乱伦”安卓APP

        You meet someone, there's chemistry, and then come the introductory questions: What's your name? Come here often? Are you my cousin?你见到某个人,你们之间产生化学反应,你会问几个初步的问题:你叫什么名字?你经常来这里吗?你是我的表亲吗?
        In Iceland, a country with a population of 320,000 where most everyone is distantly related, inadvertently kissing cousins is a real risk.作为一个只有32万人口的国家,冰岛人几乎都会有些远房亲戚关系,一不注意就有很高的风险亲吻到自己的表亲。
        A new smartphone app is on hand to help Icelanders avoid accidental incest. The app lets users "bump" phones, and emits a warning alarm if they are closely related. "Bump the app before you bump in bed," says the catchy slogan.一种新的手机应用程序可以随时帮助你避免意外的乱伦。这个应用程序可以让使用者互相碰一下手机,如果你们的血缘关系很亲近的话,它就会发出警报。该应用的标语非常引人注意,写着:“在你们上床之前先碰一下此应用”。
        Some are hailing it as a welcome solution to a very Icelandic form of social embarrassment.有些人对这个应用的发明欢呼雀跃,这个应用将能解决了冰岛人特有的社会尴尬。
        "Everyone has heard the story of going to a family event and running into a girl you hooked up with some time ago," said Einar Magnusson, a graphic designer in Iceland's capital, Reykjavik.“很多人都听过这样的故事:一个人在家庭聚会上遇到了自己前阵子钓到的姑娘,” 来自冰岛首都雷克雅未克的一个平面设计师艾纳-马格努森说。
        "It's not a good feeling when you realize that girl is a second cousin. People may think it's funny, but (the app) is a necessity."“当你意识到那个女孩是你的远房表/堂兄妹时,这种感觉可不好受。人们可能认为这很有趣,但是(这个应用)很必要。”
        The Islendiga-App — "App of Icelanders" — is an idea that may only be possible in Iceland, where most of the population shares descent from a group of 9th-century Viking settlers, and where an online database holds genealogical details of almost the entire population.这款专为冰岛人设计的应用软件 “冰岛的应用” 是一个只能在冰岛可行的想法,冰岛上大部分人的血统都源自于九世纪北欧移民者,而在线数据库保存着几乎所有人口的家谱资料。
        The app was created by three University of Iceland software engineering students for a contest calling for "new creative uses" of the Islendingabok, or Book of Icelanders, an online database of residents and their family trees stretching back 1,200 years.这款应用程序是在为冰岛人之书“创造新用途”的比赛中,由冰岛大学软件工程专业的三个学生研发的。冰岛人之书是一个网络数据库,包含了冰岛所有居民和1200年来的家谱树。
        Arnar Freyr Adalsteinsson, one of the trio, said it allows any two Icelanders to see how closely related they are, simply by touching phones.三人组中其中一个叫阿那-弗雷-阿达特森的学生说,这个应用程序允许任意两个冰岛人仅通过触碰手机就能知道他们之间的关系有多密切。
        The Book of Icelanders database was developed in 1997 by deCODE and software entrepreneur Fridrik Skulason. Compiled using census data, church records, family archives and a host of other information sources, it claims to have information on 95 percent of all Icelanders who have lived in the last 300 years.“冰岛人之书”于1997年由deCODE公司企业家福瑞克-斯库拉森研发。编排时运用了户口普查资料、教堂记录、家庭档案和其他信息源,它声称包含了冰岛300年来95%居民的信息。
        The database can be scoured online by any Icelandic citizen or legal resident. The app makes the data available to Icelanders on their mobile phones — and adds the anti-incest feature.任何冰岛公民或者合法公民都可以在线更新这个数据库。这个应用软件使得数据可以在冰岛人手机上使用,并且增加了反乱伦功能。
        Currently available for Android phones, it has been downloaded almost 4,000 times since it was launched earlier this month. The creators also hope to develop an iPhone version.现在该应用只有安卓手机可用,在本月初正式推出后,已经有近4000次下载量。创建者也希望研发出iPhone版本。
        "The Icelandic nation is not inbred," Stefansson said. "This app is interesting. It makes the data much more available. But the idea that it will be used by young people to make sure they don't marry their cousins is of much more interest to the press than a reflection of reality."“冰岛民族并不是近亲交配的产物,” 斯蒂芬森说,“应用程序很有趣,它使得数据得到更好利用。但是这个想法主要是用来帮年轻人确信没有与表亲结婚的事情上,对媒体来说应该是有趣的,但并非反映冰岛社会现实。”
        It may also be of limited use. Currently the alarm only alerts users if they and their new acquaintance have a common grandparent, and most people already know who their first cousins are.不过这个手机应用的功能也还是比较有限。目前警报只能提醒使用者和他们的新相好是不是共有同一个祖父母或外祖父母,而大部分人知道他们的嫡亲表/堂兄妹是谁。
        Adalsteinsson stresses that the app has other, less sexual uses. "We added a birthday calendar to make sure you don't forget your relatives' birthdays," he said.阿达特森强调说这款应用程序除去性用途之外还有其他用途。“我们添加了一个生日日历,来确信你没有忘记你亲戚的生日。”他说。
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