女子为等朋友阻挡地铁关门 被乘客一脚踹飞
Why you shouldn't block train doors!为什么你不该堵住地铁车门!
A woman ends up being on the wrong side of a kick after blocking the train doors and holding up the train! Good thing no harm was done.一位女士在用身体挡住地铁门后被一位乘客从后面踢出了地铁!好在没造成什么伤害。
We must obey the subway rules to for the sake of our safety. Here are some rules that we should remind all the passengers:我们为了自身安全着想必须遵守地铁的规章。这里有几条我们该提醒广大乘客:
1.When moving to the platform through turnstile with ticket, if any malfunction occurs when using the ticket, don’t pat or smash the machine, you should ask the staff for help.车票使用时发生故障或差错,切勿敲打、拍击设备,应及时交车站工作人员处理。
2.You should not cross over the safety line ( the yellow line) on the ground when you are waiting for the train.候车时,应站在站台的安全线内,不得超越该线。
3.When the train’s doors and the screen doors are fully open, the passengers should get on the train after those who have got off the train.待列车完全停稳妥、屏蔽门或车门完全开启后,车内乘客先下车,候车乘客后上车。
4.The signal light above every train’s door will twinkle before the train starts moving. There will be regular beep when the door is closing, by this time, those who haven’t get on the train yet should not cross the safety line.列车发车前,车门上方的警示灯会闪亮,同时关门蜂鸣器也会有规律的鸣叫,此时尚未上车的乘客请退到安全线内。
5. The interval between each train is different, the sooner the train can depart from the station, the better the following train can get into the station on time. So when the inside of train is over-crowded that passengers cannot get on, don’t grab the door but assist the staff to let the train depart on time.目前各列车、各时段列车间隔不等,停站列车发车越快,后续列车才能准时进站,全线列车运营才能正常。因此当列车拥挤,乘客挤不上列车时,千万不要把住车门,应当协助车站工作人员,让列车尽快发车。
6.The time each train stays in the station is different according to the ridership, which is 30~40 seconds average, so please get fully prepared before you get off the train.列车在站内的停留时间一般约为30~40秒,根据客流状况而有所不同,因此下车乘客应及早准备,否则在上车客流的冲击下就难以下车了。