英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:18:46

津巴布韦男子葬礼上“起死回生” 吓坏现场亲朋好友

        Mourners at a recent funeral in Zimbabwe were caught by surprise when the guest of honor sat up in his coffin.近日在津巴布韦的一场葬礼上,送葬者惊奇地看到他们要送走的“贵宾”活生生地从棺材里坐了起来。
        According to local reports, 34-year-old Zanthe, the seemingly dead man, woke up last week while friends and family prepared to pay their respects at his home in Gweru.据当地报纸报道,34岁的赞西被误认为死亡。上周亲朋好友在位于奎鲁的家中为其举行死者凭吊时,意外发现赞西“起死回生”。
        "I was the first to notice Mr. Zanthe’s moving legs as I was in the queue to view his body. At first I could not believe my eyes but later realized that there was indeed some movements on the body as other mourners retreated in disbelief," one of the mourners and Zanthe's employer, told The Herald.赞西的老板参加了葬礼,他告诉《先驱报》记者:“当我站在送葬队伍里告别遗体时,第一个发现赞西先生的腿在动。起初我还不敢相信,但后来真的看到他在动,其余送葬者见此也感到不可思议,纷纷后退。”
        Fortunately, Zanthe woke up just in time; his body was set to be transported to a funeral parlor later that day. After Zanthe "resurrected" he was taken to a local hospital, where he remained on life support for two days before eventually being released.幸运的是,赞西醒得还算及时,家人原计划在当天晚些时候将他送入殡仪馆。赞西“复活”后立刻被送往当地医院,接受生命保障系统治疗两天后顺利出院。
        Mr Zanthe told the newspaper, that he has no recollection of how he "died" nor how he was "resurrected," as his memory only returned when he woke up in a hospital in Gweru 140 miles southwest of Zimbabwe's capital Harare.赞西告诉记者,他对自己如何“死亡”又如何“重生”没有一点儿印象,他只记得自己醒过来时在奎鲁一家医院里。这家医院位于津巴布韦首都哈拉雷西南140英里。
        "Everything is history to me. What I can only confirm is that people gathered at my house to mourn but I was given another chance and I am alive. I feel OK now."“对我来说一切都过去了。我唯一能确认的是大家曾来家里追悼我,但我获得了第二次机会,又活过来了。我现在很好。”
        相关阅读:埃及男子葬礼上“起死回生” 葬礼变成“庆生会”
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