韩国女子整形上瘾 注射食用油致毁容
A plastic surgery addict injected cooking oil into her face when doctors refused to give her any more silicone.一位整容成瘾的女士,在医生拒绝给她提供硅胶注射时,竟然改用食用油注射脸部。
Former model Hang Mioku has been left permanently disfigured following the DIY beauty treatment.韩国女子韩慧京曾是一名模特,在经历了一系列的DIY整容手术治疗后彻底毁容。
After injecting an entire bottle of black market silicone into her face, Hang resorted to using cooking oil that left her face severely swollen and scarred.用完在黑市购买的一整瓶硅胶后,她竟然改用食用油向脸上注射,整张脸严重肿胀,惨不忍睹。
Her plights was featured on Korean television and viewers donated thousands of pounds to pay for corrective surgery.她的不幸遭遇上了韩国电视成了新闻,民众捐资上千英镑帮她做矫正手术。
During the first of 10 operations, surgeons removed 60g of silicone, oil and other foreign substances from her face and 200g from her neck.在开始的十次手术中, 医生从她的脸上取出60克的硅胶、食用油以及其它乱七八糟的填充物质,从她的脖子上取出了200克的填充物。
However, Hang is still disfigured and she said she wishes she could have her old face back.然而她的脸还是严重损伤,她表示希望自己变回原本天然的样子。
Hang had her first procedure aged 28 and then moved to Japan where she had repeated treatments. She quickly became obsessed with having smoother and softer skin.韩慧京28岁开始接受整容,随后移民日本,并在那里多次接受整容手术。她很快对拥有光滑、柔软的皮肤痴迷上瘾。
Doctors eventually refused to carry out any more work on her after her face became noticeably enlarged.但她的脸显著增大后,医生拒绝为其继续进行手术。
However, she managed to get hold of a bottle of silicone and a syringe to self-inject but when that ran out she resorted to use cooking oil.但是她想办法弄到一瓶硅胶和注射器,并开始自我注射,硅胶用完后,竟然使用食用油代替。
Her face was so altered that her own parents did not recognise her and local children also used to call her 'standing fan' because her face was so large compared to her small body.由于她的脸严重扭曲,连父母都认不出她来了,当地的小孩子都称她为“电风扇大妈”:头大身小。
Numerous operations paid for by donations have managed to reduce the size of her face and neck but she is still significantly disfigured.为了缩小她的脸和脖子,很多人捐款为她做矫正手术,但是都没什么成效。