人生的最后十年 你打算怎样度过?(视频)
http://you.video.sina.com.cn/api/sinawebApi/outplayrefer.php/vid=101835662_2397059874_OEm3H3M6XW7K+l1lHz2stqlF+6xCpv2xhGi3slWkIAdRUgiYJMXNb9wH4SHVBclE83oLHcwydP4n3x4obqxa/s.swfWhat will your last 10 years of life look like? Will you be sipping on a glass of wine beside your partner, or listening to the 'beeping' sound of a heartbeat monitor next to your hospital bed? According to the folks over at the Heart And Stroke Foundation Canada, with a little help, you can avoid the latter.你的人生最后10年会是怎样?是与伴侣一起畅饮美酒,还是听隔壁病床心跳监测仪的“哔哔”声?加拿大心脏及防治中风基金会的这则公益广告告诉你:只要一些小帮助你就能避免成为后者。
In their latest video campaign, the one-minute clip gives viewers a depiction of how the last 10 years of one's life could look, and how on average, Canadians spend this final decade in ill health. The heartbreaking story features an older man, living two types of lives: One, enjoying it with his wife and family, and the second, living in a healthcare facility.在他们最近的宣传片中,短短一分钟的视频为观众描绘出他们人生最后十年能变得怎么样,以及实际情况下大部分加拿大人都会在病痛中度过的事实。这个令人心碎的故事讲的是一位老人的两种生活方式:前者,与妻子和家人享受晚年;后者,住在冰冷的医院。
As the campaign says:短片中说的是:
What will your last ten years look like?你人生中的最后十年会怎样?
Will you be quick enough for a game of tag with your grandchild?是手脚灵活地与孙子孙女玩捉人游戏吗?
Strong enough to embrace every moment?是身体强健拥抱每一个美好瞬间吗?
Will you grow old with vitality?是慢慢变老但还能充满活力吗?
Or get old with disease?或者是老年时期疾病缠身?
It’s time to decide.是时候做出决定了。
The average Canadian will spend their last ten years in sickness.大部分加拿大人将在疾病中度过人生的最后十年。
Change your future at MAKEHEALTHLAST.ca来MAKEHEALTHLAST.ca 改变你的未来吧。