英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:18:45

美国3少女遭3兄弟囚禁10年 英雄邻居助脱困

        Authorities have released pictures of the three brothers arrested after three missing women were found at a Cleveland home where they had allegedly been held captive for a decade.美国当局公布了涉嫌囚禁3名失踪女子的3兄弟照片。据称这三名女子被囚禁在克利夫兰市一处民宅已达10年之久。
        The mugshots of Ariel Castro, 52, who owned the property, and his brothers Onil, 50, and Pedro, 54, emerged as police sources claimed the women reportedly had multiple pregnancies at the home. 根据警方消息称,这三名女子被囚禁期间多次怀孕。这所住宅主人是52岁的男子阿列尔·卡斯特罗,另外两名嫌犯是他的兄弟,50岁的欧尼尔和54岁的佩德罗,三名嫌犯的面部照片已经公布。
        At least five babies were born at the house, while one of the victims suffered as many as three miscarriages because she was so malnourished, police sources told NewsChannel5. Other sources told WKYC that the captors would beat the women when they were pregnant警方消息对News Channel 5表示,至少有5名孩子出生在这所民宅中,三名被囚禁女子中一名因为严重营养不良多次流产。还有消息对WKYC表示,非法禁锢三名女子的嫌犯在她们怀孕期间还会虐打她们。
        It is unknown what happened to any children who were born at the home, and it is not clear whether a six-year-old girl who was found alive there on Monday is among the number cited by sources.目前警方对出生的孩子的情况尚不清楚。周一警方在阿列尔的住宅中发现了一个六岁的小女孩,消息称目前还不清楚这个小女孩的情况。
        The girl was found after her mother, kidnap victim Amanda Berry, 26, climbed through a screen door on Monday afternoon while her alleged captor was out and fled to a neighbor's home to call 911.小女孩的母亲是三名被绑架的女子中26岁的阿曼达·贝瑞,正是她在周一下午乘嫌犯外出之际,通过纱门逃往邻居家拨打了报警电话。
        "Help me I'm Amanda Berry... I've been kidnapped and I've been missing for ten years and I'm here. I'm free now..." Berry is heard saying in the call to police that has been publicly released. When police arrived minutes later, they found Gina DeJesus, 23, and Michelle Knight, 32, who had also been missing for a decade, along with the young girl.“救命!我是阿曼达·贝瑞。我被绑架了,我已经失踪10年……我自由了!” 911报警电话记录下贝瑞疯狂的求救。几分钟之后,警方在贝瑞的引领下,从这所房屋内解救出另外两年失踪10年的女子——23岁的吉娜·达杰萨斯、32岁米歇尔·奈特的,还有贝瑞所生的6岁大的小女孩。

        Michelle went missing in 2000 when she was 20. Amanda disappeared on April 21, 2003, a day before her 17th birthday. A year after Gina, then 14 went missing on April 2, 2004, on her way home from school. The three women were kidnapped on the same street and found at the home just three miles away as their alleged kidnappers hid in plain sight. 2000年,20岁的米歇尔失踪;2003年4月21日,阿曼达在她17岁生日的前一天失踪;一年之后,也就是2004年4月2日,当时14岁的吉娜在放学路上失踪。离奇的是,她们被绑架的地点距离被囚地仅3公里,其间却没有任何人发现她们的行踪。
        Castro has been arrested along with his two brothers. At the press conference, authorities said they believe they have the three men responsible, who will face charges.嫌疑人卡斯特罗和他的两个兄弟一起被捕。在新闻发布会上,有关当局准备提出正式起诉,这三人要为他们的所作所为付出代价。
        Remarkably, Castro's son - also named Ariel who now goes by 'Anthony' - penned an article for the Cleveland Plain Press about the disappearance of Miss DeJesus back in 2004. Anthony Castro told WKYC-TV: “This is beyond comprehension… I’m truly stunned right now.” 令人震惊的是,2004年达杰萨斯失踪时,卡斯特罗的儿子安东尼当时在克利夫兰平原报实习,还写过一篇文章报道这宗失踪案件。安东尼对对当地电视台WKYC-TV表示:自己不敢相信,简直是晴天霹雳。
        Charles Ramsey, the neighbor who rescued the girls, said that he was shocked about the discovery because the man who owns the home - who is thought to be the kidnapper- did not stay hidden from him. "I've been here a year. I barbeque with this dude, we eat ribs and listen to music."救出三名受害者的拉姆塞说,他对邻居卡斯特罗的被捕表示震惊。“我搬到这里一年多了,还曾和他一起烧烤、吃排骨听音乐。” 拉姆塞表示从未发现他有什么异常。
        “The nightmare is over,” said Cleveland FBI Special Agent in Charge Stephen Anthony at the press conference. “These three young ladies have provided us with the ultimate definition of survival and perseverance. The healing can now begin.”“噩梦结束了。” 联邦调查局克利夫兰负责人斯蒂芬·安东尼在新闻发布会上说,“这三位年轻女士表现出了坚强的求生毅力,她们的伤口将开始愈合。”
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