日本单身工科男发明“女朋友外套” 没女友也能温暖抱抱
"http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNTQwNzg4MDU2/v.swfFor singletons longing for a partner to cuddle, a Japanese-designed coat could have the answer.对那些渴望另一半拥抱的单身,一件来自日本设计的外套可以给你答案。
The coat, designed by a group of Japanese students, has a special belt which creates the sensation that the wearer is being hugged from behind.这件外套由一群日本学生设计,外套上有一个特别的皮带,带上就能感受从背后被抱住的温馨感觉。
Headphones wired up to the garment play recordings of a female voice uttering stock phrases a girlfriend might say, including: 'Sorry I'm late'.衣服上附带的耳机则用轻柔的女声播放着:“对不起,我来晚了” 等事先录制好的录音。
The jacket is called Riajyuu Coat, which means someone who is please with their life in reality, outside of the world of the internet.这个外套名叫“充实外套” ,意思是技术宅可以在网络之外的现实世界里也能获得幸福。
Maito Omari, who developed the coat, said: 'If I have a girlfriend I think it is a good situation that she suddenly hugs me when I wait for her at the station.' 发明了这个外套的Maito Omari 说:“如果我有女朋友,我在街上等她,然后她突然从背后抱住我,我想那时我肯定很开心。”
Hardware engineer Hikaru Sugira said: 'The concept of this device is everyone can get the feeling of having a girlfriend.'硬件工程师Hikaru Sugira说:“这个设计的理念,就是希望每个人都能产生有女朋友的感觉。”
Singletons tried on the Riajyuu Coat and smiled as recordings of a female voice were played on headphones.试穿了这件“充实外套”的单身男们在听到耳机里传来的女声,都露出了幸福的笑容。
Software engineer Kota Shinbayashi said: 'It looks like a normal coat at first sight. Users wear this coat, fasten the belt and wear the headphones. In the waist, the system of the winding belt is attached. This makes the feeling that is like girlfriend hugs.软件工程师Kota Shinbayashi说:“它第一眼看起来就是一件普通的外套。用户穿这个外套,扎紧腰带,带上耳机。整个弯弯曲曲的腰带与腰部相连,正是这样产生了一种被女朋友拥抱的感觉。
The girlfriend coat was invented by students at the University of Tsukuba, and it is not commercially available to buy. 发明者都是日本筑波大学的学生,这件外套目前市面上还暂时买不到。