英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:18:42


        Evian has brought the dancing babies back for its latest ad campaign, and the video has racked up over 29 million YouTube views in less than a week.在矿泉水品牌依云的最新宣传广告中,跳舞宝宝们又回来啦!该视频在播出不到一周内,就在YouTube网站上吸引了超过2900万的浏览量。
        Titled Baby & Me, the spot shows adults who are shocked to see themselves reflected in the mirror as infants.这个宣传广告叫《宝贝和我》,主要的亮点是成年人看到镜子里自己的婴儿样子非常震惊。
        Then both babies and grown-ups break into a series of complicated dance moves.接下来,宝贝和这些成年人一起秀出了一系列复杂的舞步。
        According to AdWeek, the campaign will include an outdoor campaign that will bring the baby-and-adult mirrored-dancing concept to life on digital posters - and will also include an app that allows users to 'babify' themselves via facial recognition software. 根据《广告周刊》杂志,本次的宣传活动还包括户外推广,将通过电子海报的方式,将宝贝和成年人对着镜子跳舞的概念更生动地展现出来。还会推出一个应用,用户可以通过脸部识别软件使自己“变成个婴儿”。

        'The babies are true to our story and heritage,' Laurent Houel, global brand director for Evian, tells the magazine.依云的全球品牌总监Laurent Houel表示:“宝宝们一直是我们依云品牌的历史传承。”
        'The love affair of the brand with babies started in France in 1935, when Evian was first recommended as a perfect water for babies.'“1935年在法国,依云第一次被推荐为适合宝宝的完美饮用水,自此我们的品牌和宝贝就结下了不解之缘。”
        'BETC had the idea to go beyond this, and leverage the babies into a powerful symbol of purity and youth.'“BETC灵智广告公司为我们设计的广告更加突破,把宝宝们变成了纯净和青春的有力象征。”
        The company's 2009 spot Roller Babies holds the official Guinness World Record for most-viewed online advertisement to date with more than 65 million views so far.2009年该公司为依云设计的滑旱冰宝宝广告,获得了超过6500万的浏览量,至今还保持着观看次数最多的在线广告的官方吉尼斯世界纪录。
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查看完整版本: 跳舞宝宝非常萌!依云矿泉水广告走红(视频)