英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:18:30


        A cookie-favoring physicist has created what appears to be the world's first Oreo separator.一个不喜欢夹心的物理学家制造出了世界上第一台奥利奥夹心分离机。
        David Neevel, an artist and inventor based in Portland, Ore., was commissioned by the popular cookie brand to produce the machine as part of its "Cookies vs. Creme" campaign.David Neevel是俄勒冈州波特兰市的一名发明家,也是一位艺术家。他受到这个著名饼干品牌的委托,为该公司的“饼干VS奶油”广告制造出了这台机器。
        "My Oreo machine is based entirely on my dislike for creme and my preference for cookie," Neevel said in a short video.“我制造夹心分离机完全是因为我讨厌夹心、喜欢饼干,”Neevel在短片这样提到。
        The OSM, as Neevel calls it, was constructed of scrap aluminum, wood, a hatchet and floss in a Portland garage.Neevel 把发明简称为OSM (奥利奥分离器),这是他在波特兰的一个车库里用一些铝的废料、废木材、一把小斧头和一些金属丝制成的。
        After the hatchet blade is lowered to split the Oreo, a pair of mechanical arms are dispatched to collect the cookie halves, which are transferred to a router table where the creme is removed.斧头把奥利奥一劈为二,然后一对机械臂会捡起两半奥利奥,接着饼干会被送到铣削台,把饼干上的奶油铣掉。

        The electric-powered contraption took about two weeks to build. "It was a big time commitment," Neevel said. "I had to work some long hours—I didn't see my girlfriend or my dog for hours at a time."这个神奇的电动机械装置造了两个星期的时间。“这是个非常非常重要的委托,”Neevel说。“我得连续工作很久,有时候我好几个小时都见不了我的女朋友和我的狗。”
        "Outstanding. I applaud your efforts," one YouTube commenter wrote. "For your next design, how about an automatic sock pair singlifier?“赞一个。为你的发明鼓掌,” 一个YouTube用户这样评论道。“下次造一个袜子配对机怎么样?”
        Three other inventors were commissioned by Oreo to come up with concepts, with the next one slated to be unveiled later this week.另外还有三名发明家受到奥利奥委托想一些新点子,下一个发明预计在这周晚些时候发布。
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查看完整版本: 不爱吃奥利奥夹心?技术宅发明奥利奥饼干分离器(视频)