英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:18:29

阿根廷男子爱车如命 血肉之躯为车挡冰雹 (视频)

        A man has gone to extraordinary measures to protect his car from a freak hail storm in Argentina.阿根廷某市近日突将冰雹,一位男子为了保护爱车,采取了让人大跌眼镜的特别措施。
        The man was so fond of his car - though we do think it's a Prius - that he threw himself at the mercy of the freak storm that swept through Mar del Plata.目测这是辆丰田公司产的普锐斯,这位男子应该是爱车如命,一场反常的暴风雨席卷所在的马德普拉塔市,他奋不顾身的杀出来保护爱车。
        His desperate measures to protect his pride and joy were caught on camera.他以血肉之躯保护爱车的举动被摄影机拍摄了下来。
        The man is shown lying atop the roof of the car, his arms flailing like windscreen wipers as he tries to stop the hailstones from denting the car.视频中我们可以看到,男子躺在车顶,手臂像汽车雨刷一样挥动着,努力想要阻止冰雹砸在车顶形成凹陷。
        And while the roof seemed relatively protected, the mans arms and legs couldn't extend to the car's boot and bonnet.虽然车顶看起来是得到了保护,但相比之下,他的胳膊和腿不够长,无法够到车子的尾部和发动机盖。
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查看完整版本: 阿根廷男子爱车如命 血肉之躯为车挡冰雹 (视频)