英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:18:29


        Remember what is was like to be this excited? Tiny Madeleine Dubois was simply beside herself with joy when she got her third birthday wish - her first train ride.你还记得你上次这么激动是什么时候吗?刚满三岁的小玛德琳收到了生日礼物——第一次火车之旅,小姑娘简直欣喜若狂。
        In footage that will melt the hardest of hearts, the toddler is seen squeaking with delight and leaping up and down on the platform as the train rolls in.这段视频片段绝对会让你的心融化。小萝莉在火车进站的时候,发出快乐的尖叫声,在站台上兴奋得上下蹦跳。
        The video has been become a huge online hit after Madeleine's father posted it on YouTube. Daniel Dubois said although he knew his daughter would be happy, he had not predicted the level of excitement the present would bring.玛德琳的父亲将视频传上了YouTube网站,现在该视频红遍网络。玛德琳的父亲丹尼尔说,虽然他想到了女儿会很高兴,但他没想到这份生日礼物会带给女儿这么大的惊喜。

        The short video was shared with family and friends on YouTube nearly two years ago, but after an unknown person posted it on Reddit on Monday it has spread across the globe at incredible speed.这段简短的视频其实是在两年前传上YouTube的,主要在家人和朋友间流传。但上周一一位不知名人士将视频发布到了新闻网站红迪网上,立刻在全球范围内传播开来。
        Mr Dubois said he had not expected anything to come of the video and adds that Madeline, who is now about to turn five, has already moved on from train to her next childhood obsession.杜布瓦先生说,他并没有期望视频会有这么样的效果。他还表示现在已是5岁的玛德琳,童年时代的喜好也从火车转移到了下一个东西上。
        ‘We used to live where we would cross train tracks a lot and she was so fascinated with them,’ Mr Dubois told ABCNews.com.杜布瓦先生对ABC新闻网表示:“我们以前住的地方经常要经过火车轨道,她非常喜欢火车铁轨。”
        ‘She was like, “I wanna ride a train,” so we did that for her birthday. We didn't know quite how she would react.’“她就跟我说:‘我想乘火车’,所以我们就在她生日的时候去了。我们也没想到她会有怎样的反应。”
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查看完整版本: 萌瞬间:三岁小萝莉第一次看到火车(视频)